Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Climate crisis and ecological transition: a shared strategy for the re-evolution of the Italian system
Climate crisis and ecological transition: a shared strategy for the re-evolution of the Italian system
Aug 18, 2021 09:30 PM — Aug 18, 2021 10:30 PM Rispescia (GR)

On August 18, as part of FestAmbiente, the national festival of ecology and solidarity, the meeting "Climate crisis and ecological transition: a shared strategy for the re-evolution of the Italian system" will be held, which will be attended by the director general of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti.

Migrations in the Mediterranean as an effect of climate change and the decline of nature
Migrations in the Mediterranean as an effect of climate change and the decline of nature
Jul 16, 2021 08:30 PM — Jul 16, 2021 10:30 PM Roma, Casetta Rossa, via Giovanni Battista Magnaghi, 14

The connectionss between climate change, loss of biodiversity and migration are among the most dramatic aspects of the planet's climate crisis. The political, economic and social consequences of the effects of global warming are at the center of public debate. An in-depth study on the impacts of the climate, in particular on the African continent, between desertification and the destruction of agricultural and water resources, as an engine for mass migration to Europe, will be the subject of discussion and debate between researchers and the public.

Experimental program of interventions for adaptation to climate change in the urban environment
Experimental program of interventions for adaptation to climate change in the urban environment
Jul 08, 2021 01:00 PM — Jul 08, 2021 03:00 PM Online event

The program is an initiative of the Directorate for Climate, Energy and Air (CLEA) of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in collaboration with ANCI and with the scientific contribution of ISPRA, aimed at increasing the resilience of urban centers climate change, with particular reference to heat waves and drought phenomena.

Presentation of the SNPA report on indicators of the impact of climate change
Presentation of the SNPA report on indicators of the impact of climate change
Jun 30, 2021 12:00 PM Webinar

The presentation of the SNPA Report on the impact indicators of climate change is scheduled for Wednesday 30 June 2021, from 10 am. The day is divided into two parts: the first is a discussion between stakeholders on the problems related to climate change and on the actions to deal with the consequences taking place on our territories, while the second, from 2.30 pm, will propose a technical-scientific study in the course of which the main results of the Report will be presented.

Video webinar morning

Video webinar afternoon

Report climate change indicators. Edition 2021

Comunicato stampa

Programme morning

Programme afternoon

SNPA web site

EMAS and climate change
EMAS and climate change
Jun 21, 2021 12:00 PM — Jun 21, 2021 02:00 PM

Dialogue with the public and interested parties is, together with the continuous improvement of environmental performance, the main objective of the EC Regulation 1221/2009 EMAS, whose general approach is based on the need for sharing, credibility and transparency. The EMAS Regulation assigns interested parties a role of primary importance in collaboration with the Member State and the Competent Bodies aimed at promoting the EMAS system, informing and disseminating knowledge of the Regulation, and developing effective promotional tools.

Water and Climate change
Water and Climate change
Jun 17, 2021 12:30 PM — Jun 17, 2021 03:00 PM

Institutions, businesses and civil society for the water protectionand the right to water access
On 17 June, on the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification, the conference “Water and Climate Change. Institutions, businesses and civil society for the protection of water resources and the right to water" during it will be presented  the official translation into Italian of the United Nations World Report on the development of water resources 2020.

Desertification and Drought Day 2021
Desertification and Drought Day 2021
Jun 17, 2021 — Jun 17, 2021

The theme chosen this year for Desertification and Drought Day, in analogy with the start of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, will focus on the transformation of degraded land, which guarantees economic resilience, creates jobs, increases income and food security, helps restore biodiversity, stores carbon, slows down climate change and reduces its impacts, and supports green recovery from the pandemic.

Agreencoltura hi-tech supply chains for quality and adaptation to climate change
Agreencoltura hi-tech supply chains for quality and adaptation to climate change
Jun 09, 2021 12:00 PM — Jun 09, 2021 03:30 PM Online event

Earth Tech Expo will be held in Florence from 13 to 16 October 2021. The “technological showcase” of the Next Generation Eu. The first Expo of the "digital and ecological transition". Italian technological leadership on display with exhibitions, conferences, presentations, links, all the news from the Italian Space Agency, research bodies, universities, companies and companies, spin offs, start-ups, regions and local authorities in all sectors.

Climate crisis and environmental emergency: why do we underestimate it? What do we risk?
Climate crisis and environmental emergency: why do we underestimate it? What do we risk?
May 20, 2021 08:30 PM — May 20, 2021 10:00 PM Online event

On May 20 in the whole of the Rifestival - An Other World is Possible, it will be held the webinar "Climate crisis and environmental emergency: why do we underestimate it? What do we risk?" conducted by Luca Mercalli, climatologist and scientific advisor of ISPRA, to underline the importance of rethinking our way of living and producing to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment.

How to manage climate change challenge in Europe
How to manage climate change challenge in Europe
May 18, 2021 — May 20, 2021 Webinar

From 18 to 20 May 2021 the European Conference of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) "virtually" hosted by Italy

The climate is changing! Local adaptions experiences
The climate is changing! Local adaptions experiences
May 12, 2021 11:30 AM — May 12, 2021 03:30 PM Online event

The Italian conferences of project Adriadapt the  will present the local experiences after 2 years of works on the urban adaptions and of the knowledge to lead the Municipalities of the Adriatic area in the definition and implementation of resilience plans. The event is an opportunity to think about the different experiences and aims to launch a debate with the delegates of national and regional authorities and on the potential tool to support the local adaption. 

Webinar Project SOMMIT
Webinar Project SOMMIT
Apr 23, 2021 01:00 PM — Apr 23, 2021 03:00 PM Webinar

The purpose of the webinar is to provide an overview of 2006 IPCC guidelines for national GHG Inventories (and 2019 refinement) for the estimation of soil’s carbon stock changes and non-CO2 emissions from agricultural soils.

Climate change in the coastal and transition areas: scenarios and impacts on the Po Delta
Climate change in the coastal and transition areas: scenarios and impacts on the Po Delta
Apr 23, 2021 11:30 AM — Apr 23, 2021 02:30 PM Online event

The Veneto region is organizing a meeting in the frame of the CHANGE WE CARE european project, in order to assess the climate change in the coastal areas. The project's target is to provide guidelines of integrated planning to answer at the climate modification on the long period, specially in the Po Delta

Trend of atmospheric emissions and scenarios in Italy. Focus on road transport
Trend of atmospheric emissions and scenarios in Italy. Focus on road transport
Apr 15, 2021 — Apr 16, 2021 Online event

ISPRA is inviting the public to follow in the 15 and 16 April the streaming dedicated to the data and information related to the emissions situation in Italy. It will be illustrated the trend from 1990 to 2019 of the greenhouse gases and other pollutants plus the scenarios until 2050. A global frame and in deep of the Italian situation, with also a focus on the second day on road transport.


Programme 15 april

Programme 16 april

Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2019. National Inventory Report 2021

Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2019. Informative Inventory Report 2021

Strategies for a sustainable city: Turin chooses the green
Strategies for a sustainable city: Turin chooses the green
Apr 13, 2021 11:00 AM — Apr 13, 2021 03:30 PM Webinar

During the webinar numerous national and local experts will talk about urban planning, green public and climate change. A special occasion to get in deep with the sustainability challenges and discover the actions carried out by Turin city to improve the life quality of their citizens. 

Pollen and climate change: scenarios and prespectives
Pollen and climate change: scenarios and prespectives
Apr 09, 2021 11:00 AM — Apr 09, 2021 06:00 PM Online event

The seminar aims to promote and support the research in Italy, according to SNPA lines, of all the scientific communities that work on aerobiology,  to share new updating and analyze future scenarios.

Portrait of the Week
Portrait of the Week
Mar 26, 2021

Each week, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification publishes the image and a description of people who play an important role in promoting the Convention goals. The month of March is dedicated to women and this Friday the Portrait of the Week is reserved to three women who are part of the Science Policy Interface, two eminent researchers, Nichole Barger and Everlyne Nairesiae, and one expert of ISPRA, Anna Luise.

Presentation of the ISPRA report. Status and trend of the main allergenic pollens in Italy (2003-2019)
Presentation of the ISPRA report. Status and trend of the main allergenic pollens in Italy (2003-2019)
Feb 26, 2021 11:30 AM — Feb 26, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

On February 26, 2021, ISPRA will present the first national report on allergenic pollens in Italy. In fact, the Institute carries out monitoring, analysis and evaluation of allergenic pollens in Italy and coordinates the POLLnet network which collect the main experts in the sector of the regional agencies and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano for environmental protection.

The report describes the state and trend of the main allergenic taxa present in Italy  from 2003 to 2019. During the event will be illustrated the knowledge on the main allergenic species present in Italy and the relationship between pollen and health.


Status and trend of the main allergenic pollens in Italy (2003-2019)

Video of the meeting

Progettazione agronomica del verde e allergie (Renato Ferretti)


Wood biomass and the mitigation of the climate crisis : opportunity or problem ?
Wood biomass and the mitigation of the climate crisis : opportunity or problem ?
Feb 25, 2021 05:00 PM — Feb 25, 2021 07:30 PM Online event

Woody biomass currently are the most important source of renewable energy in the EU and in Italy and represents an indispensable resource to achieve the European targets for "energy and climate change" which plan to rise from the current 18% of energy from renewable sources to 32% in 2030.

Caring for soil is caring for life
Caring for soil is caring for life
Feb 24, 2021 10:30 AM — Feb 24, 2021 01:30 PM Online event

On the 24 Febraury in the frame of Horizon Europe activities, the Italian Ministry University and Research in cooperation with Santa Chiara Lab - University of Siena, APRE and Re Soil foundation is organizing the event: "Caring for soil is caring for life".

Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2020 estimated reduction of 9.8% compared to 2019
Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2020 estimated reduction of 9.8% compared to 2019
Feb 23, 2021

Based on the data available for 2020, a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at the national level is estimated, mainly due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Although the information necessary for a definitive estimate are still partial, in the past year emissions in Italy were 9.8% lower than in 2019, compared to an expected reduction in GDP of 8.9%.

Implementation of an innovative system for monitoring the sea state in climate change scenarios
Implementation of an innovative system for monitoring the sea state in climate change scenarios
Feb 02, 2021 10:00 AM — Feb 02, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

In the last decades, as a results of the climate change, extreme weather and marine events have also intensified in the Sicily Channel, increasingly the need to develop actions to reduce the coastal risk. However, the current data provided by the various networks for surveying the sea  state in the channel are not exhaustive of the phenomenon.

Europe and the United States, how climate changes
Europe and the United States, how climate changes
Jan 21, 2021 07:00 PM — Jan 21, 2021 08:00 PM Live talk

The Biden age and the Paris agreement, which scenarios for the climate change?

The President of ISPRA Stefano Laporta is participating at the meeting.

The global commitment to contrast climate change and pandemic
The global commitment to contrast climate change and pandemic
Jan 20, 2021 03:30 PM — Jan 20, 2021 06:00 PM On-line event

Organized by the Green Economy Observatory of the Bocconi University, the seminar dedicated to climate change will be held on January 20 at 2.30 pm.

Companies for the Carta of Spoleto
Companies for the Carta of Spoleto
Dec 18, 2020 04:00 PM — Dec 18, 2020 07:00 PM Online event

The good practices of public bodies and private companies for the signing of "Carta of Spoleto against climate change".
As part of the Weather Spoleto 2020 event, the workshop for the signing of the “Carta di Spoleto” will be held on 18 December.

National methodologies for adaptation to climate change: planning for a local scale
National methodologies for adaptation to climate change: planning for a local scale
Dec 10, 2020 10:30 AM — Dec 10, 2020 02:30 PM

The conference is dedicated to the presentation of the methodology developed by Line 5 of the Creiamo PA Project for the definition of adaptation plans and paths on a local scale.
The document was developed a series of actions and projects activated by Italian cities and European and international collaboration networks that work for the resilience of urban areas and local communities.

Clear improvement in air quality in Europe over the last decade: fewer deaths related to pollution
Clear improvement in air quality in Europe over the last decade: fewer deaths related to pollution
Nov 27, 2020

Thanks to better air quality, around 60,000 fewer people died prematurely due to fine particulate matter pollution in 2018, compared with 2009. However, the European Environment Agency's (EEA) latest official data show that almost all Europeans still suffer from air pollution, leading to about 400,000 premature deaths across the continent. 

Analysis and effects of climate change in the Mediterranean environment
Analysis and effects of climate change in the Mediterranean environment
Nov 27, 2020 10:30 AM — Nov 27, 2020 07:30 PM

The seminar is organized by SIGEA Italian Society of Environmental Geology in cooperation with RemTech Expo and the National Council of Geologists. Four in-depth sessions: Geo-hydrological instability; Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry; Quantity and quality of water, health and quality of life; Natural and cultural heritage, economy and tourism.

National Geographic Festival of Sciences- Climate change and the sustainable future: from space to our home
National Geographic Festival of Sciences- Climate change and the sustainable future: from space to our home
Nov 26, 2020 07:30 PM — Nov 26, 2020 08:30 PM Online event

In the whole of the initiatives of the National Geographic Festival the next 26 November will be held the online event: "Climate change and the sustainable future: from space to our home".  
Climate services make produce a series of data to know the climate of the past, present and future at the local and global level, and allow public and private decision makers to have tools to develop strategies and initiatives to successfully face climate change.

National methodologies for adaptation to climate change: planning for adaptation on a regional scale
National methodologies for adaptation to climate change: planning for adaptation on a regional scale
Nov 26, 2020 10:30 AM — Nov 26, 2020 02:30 PM Online event

The Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, has launched an institutional process to spread the culture of adaptation to climate change at the regional and local level and overcoming the territorial disparities in this matter, in line with the contents of the National Strategy of Adaptation to climate change (SNAC) and the National Adaptation Plan (PNACC), currently being approved. This path is the basis of the activities of the Intervention Line 5 "Strengthening administrative capacity for adaptation to climate change" of the "CReIAMO PA" Project, to develop skills, defining and disseminating methodologies for adapting to climate change.