Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental certification service

The 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) denominated “ Living well, within the limits of our planet" valid until the 31 December 2020, fix priorities and targets for the environmental politics of the European Union establishing its actions on polluter-pays principle ,  on the precautionary principle and preventive action and to reduce pollution at the source.

The program defines 9 priority targets to achieve:

  1. Protect citizens health from environmental risks and pressure
  2. Better implementation of existing legislation to have more benefits for the environment, health and the economy
  3. Increase the Scientific pillars of EU
  4. Secured investments: Adequate investments and innovation in products, services and public policies will be needed from public and private sources, in order to achieve the objectives set out in the program.
  5. Improve the integration between the environmental concerns with other policy areas
  6. Improve Sustainable cities
  7. Tackling international challenges:  Many of the priority objectives in the EAP can only be achieved in cooperation with partner countries or as part of a global approach
  8. Improve Sustainable cities
  9. Tackling international challenges:  Many of the priority objectives in the EAP can only be achieved in cooperation with partner countries or as part of a global approach.

In the whole of the target 2 “Transform the EU into a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy” it is defined an integrated with actions addressed to :

  • Productive sector, trought adopition the application of ‘Best Available Techniques’ in the context of the Industrial Emissions Directive and enhancing efforts to promote the uptake of emerging innovative technologies, processes and services
  • Business, trought the use of tool such as ECOLABEL UE, with the aim to provide information accurate to the consumers about the products and services
  • integration and  to the principle of subsidiarity, as provided by the European Commission on Integrated Product Policy (IPP).
  • public bodies, through the implementation of sustainable procurement policies (Green Public Procurement - GPP)



EMAS and climate change

This guideline takes the reader through the topic of climate change and its close interconnection with emission sources. Starting with the “Environmental Statements” of a sample of EMAS-certified power plants which produce electrical energy from fossil fuels it examines the CO2, NOx, CO and SOX emissions produced in the period between 2011 and 2019. The results show how the energy sector, thanks to the implementation of an Environmental Management System, can correctly manage air emissions and continuously improve on them.

Download the publication



The EMAS Section of the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee and ISPRA issue the Call for Participation for the 2022 edition of the EMAS Italy Award.

Prizes will be awarded for the following three categories of participation:

CATEGORY 1 - Environmental statement more communicatively effective
CATEGORY 2 - Initiatives for the use of the EMAS Logo
CATEGORY 3 - Innovation projects / initiatives / actions related to the implementation of the principles of Circular Economy
Applications must be received no later than 30 April 2022 according to the procedures indicated in the Call