Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Reduce impacts on the coast. Erosion, storm surges, sea level rise, heat waves
Reduce impacts on the coast. Erosion, storm surges, sea level rise, heat waves
Apr 17, 2024 03:00 PM — Apr 17, 2024 07:00 PM Ostia

The conference, organized by the Municipality of Rome, is the fourth appointment in a series of public meetings dedicated to consulting citizens on the proposed Climate Adaptation Strategy of Rome, the capital.

The measurement of sea level
The measurement of sea level
Apr 17, 2024 10:00 AM — Apr 17, 2024 01:30 PM Goro (FE)

Sea level in the era of climate change, the tools for its measurement, the evaluation of coastal erosion, subsidence and the risks for the Emilia-Romagna coast are the themes of the seminar "Mean sea level: impact on the territory", organized by Arpae.

The meeting presents a reflection on the latest technical-scientific studies carried out in Emilia-Romagna and the Northern Adriatic.

Wrecks, waste and biodiversity in the depths of the Mediterranean
Wrecks, waste and biodiversity in the depths of the Mediterranean
Apr 16, 2024 — Apr 21, 2024 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone

The seabed has always fascinated man and until a few decades ago what lay beyond 50 meters was shrouded in mystery. Thanks to a series of new underwater technologies developed in recent decades, such as 3D mapping, it is possible to obtain detailed images of submerged wrecks. Observing what is at great depths allows us to study biodiversity hotspots, facilitating actions to restore marine habitats.

ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
Apr 16, 2024 — Apr 21, 2024 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone

From 16 to 21 April 2024 the Rome Science Festival returns to the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone with its 19th edition.

Mistakes and wonders is the theme of this edition, dedicated to the wonder that accompanies every discovery, the engine that pushes scientists to explore, ask questions and question consolidated knowledge, always going further. Wondering, even in the face of crises and problems, is the first step in seeking new answers and solutions, on a path not without missteps, failures and denials, errors.

ISPRA is the scientific partner of the event and promotes a series of initiatives.


16 - 21 april 15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Relitti, rifiuti e biodiversità nelle profondità del Mediterraneo"

16 - 21 april  15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

19 april  18:30

Che tempo farà? Incertezze nelle previsioni metereologiche

20 - 21 april 8:45 e 9:15

Le attività di ISPRA e la Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano
Evento gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria

20 - 21 april 11:00 - 15:30

Laboratorio "Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

21 april ore 11:00

Sottoterra nessuno può sentirti urlare

Pollution, an integrated sea-coast response
Pollution, an integrated sea-coast response
Apr 15, 2024 — Apr 17, 2024 Bari, Sala Conferenze Terminal Crociere del Porto

As part of an Agreement between MASE and ISPRA, an in-depth project was launched on the operational synergies deriving from the "MiTE Anti-pollution Plan" and national and local planning, which address the response methods, at sea and on the coast, in case of accidental pollution caused by spills of petroleum products and dangerous and noxious chemical substances (HNS).

Marine pollution caused by the dumping of wastes and other matter from ships and aircraft
Marine pollution caused by the dumping of wastes and other matter from ships and aircraft
Apr 15, 2024 — Apr 19, 2024 London

ISPRA continues in the collaboration for the implementation of the London Convention and the 1996 Protocol on the prevention of marine pollution caused by the dumping of wastes and other matter.

Posidonia Friend
Posidonia Friend
Apr 12, 2024 — Jun 21, 2024

The municipality of San Vincenzo (LI) is also promoting a project this year on the theme of environment and sustainability which has Posidonia as its protagonist, a marine plant that is very present along the Tuscan coasts and of fundamental importance for the marine ecosystem.
The events will start on Friday 12 April with researchers from the ISPRA headquarters in Livorno who will hold a lesson dedicated to middle school students, and will end on 21 June with an evening open to all: the protagonist will always be Posidonia, a plant to get to know and protect

PNRR - MER Project. Environmental monitoring in aquaculture: an underwater wireless communication network in the Gulf of Follonica
PNRR - MER Project. Environmental monitoring in aquaculture: an underwater wireless communication network in the Gulf of Follonica
Apr 10, 2024


An underwater wireless communication network for environmental monitoring in the Gulf of Follonica, one of the most important production centers for national aquaculture. It is the project that Ispra is carrying out as part of the PNRR's MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration) plan. The activities of the project began last March 14th, financed with a budget of half a million euros which will allow the monitoring of approximately 3,000 hectares in the offshore fish and shellfish farming plants in the area between Livorno and Grosseto thanks to a sort of "neural network" submarine. A project applied for the first time in Italy and unique in the Mediterranean Sea.

Press release (ita)

3rd National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum
3rd National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum
Apr 10, 2024 — Apr 13, 2024

Investing in the Sea Economy

At the 3rd National Summit on the Economy of the Sea Blue Forum in Gaeta from 10 to 13 April 2024, National Sea Day will be celebrated.
Four days of work with all the stakeholders of the sea and national and European politics with the aim of sharing an Italian investment program for 2025-2027 on the Sea Economy, with its own Action Plan and providing contributions to the future Connected to the Sea and on the Blue Economy. Starting from the Sea Plan and the implementation proposals, the drafting of the 2024 Blue Paper will begin.

Sea robot - The challenges of marine exploration
Sea robot - The challenges of marine exploration
Mar 25, 2024

The documentary in English "Sea robot - The challenges of marine exploration" is now also available on the website of EuroGOOS, an association of national government agencies, research bodies and private companies involved in oceanography within the intergovernmental Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), of which ISPRA is part. The documentary recounts the technological progress of recent decades applied to marine research. New technologies have revealed the splendor and richness of deep ecosystems, allowing researchers to acquire valuable data and information for the study of these environments. In addition to the extreme richness and beauty of nature, the images also show the signs of human activities: mysterious wrecks, archaeological finds and, unfortunately, waste and abandoned fishing gear

Initial seminar of the A.M.MI.R.ARE project
Initial seminar of the A.M.MI.R.ARE project
Mar 25, 2024 — Mar 26, 2024 Pisa, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

The launch of the project focused on the resilience of beaches in the western Mediterranean area, will be held in Pisa on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 March at the Headquarters of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, with the active involvement of the National Center for Characterization and Protection of the coast, marine climatology and operational oceanography of ISPRA.
The event aims to organize the project activities that have obtained funding from the INTERREG Italy-France Maritime programme.

ISPRA’s participation in the activities of the EU projects MARINE SABRES and MARBEFES
ISPRA’s participation in the activities of the EU projects MARINE SABRES and MARBEFES
Mar 19, 2024 — Mar 20, 2024

From March 19 to 20 ISPRA was invited as a stakeholder to the workshop organized as part of 2 European projects funded by the research and innovation programme Horizon Europe: MARINE SABRES and MARBEFES concerning regulation and governance measures for the protection of the marine ecosystem.

ISPRA at the third National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum
ISPRA at the third National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum
Mar 18, 2024 — Mar 18, 2024

The President of ISPRA and SNPA Stefano Laporta met, at the Institute's headquarters, Giovanni Acampora, President of the Frosinone - Latina Chamber of Commerce, Assonautica Italiana and SiCamera.
During the meeting, actions for adaptation to climate change were discussed, with Blue and Green interventions to be implemented to improve the resilience of the entire ecosystem. The central theme was the sea and the strategies to reduce the impact of climate change on one of the country's main resources, also in economic terms. 
A topic that will be discussed in the next National Summit on the Economy of the Sea - Blue Forum, scheduled in Gaeta from 10 to 13 April.

PNRR WED. The restoration of one of the most threatened marine environments in Europe: flat oyster habitats
PNRR WED. The restoration of one of the most threatened marine environments in Europe: flat oyster habitats
Mar 12, 2024

In the "breeding parks" 300,000 larvae have already been obtained, the objective is to reach 1 million to be allocated to breeding

ISPRA's activities have begun for the restoration of one of the most threatened marine environments in Europe: the habitats of the flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), a native Adriatic species, in five Italian regions: Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo. An activity in line with the requests of the European Strategy for Biodiversity and the objectives of the recently approved "Nature Restoration Law". The operations involve the introduction of adult reproductive individuals - both collected with sustainable fishing techniques and bred - and the placing on the seabed of substrates favorable to the taking root of new generations of oysters and the formation of the reef. To support the interventions, instruments for measuring environmental parameters will be installed which will complement the data collected through specific monitoring programs.

Plastic and circular economy
Plastic and circular economy
Mar 12, 2024 — Mar 12, 2024 Villasimius

The seminar, addressed to the local administrators of Villasimius, is dedicated to the topics of plastics, circular economy and the impacts that they can produce on the territory and sea.

It will be also presented the project LIFE CONCEPTU MARIS, which AMP Capo Carbonare is partner and aims to conservation of cetaceans and sea turtles in the Mediterranean.

Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival
Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival
Mar 11, 2024 — Mar 15, 2024

From 11 to 17 March 2024, the European Commission organized the Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival, a week of events on the bioeconomy to make young people more aware of the ecological and sustainable transition, and involve them personally as actors of change. APRE and FVA New Media Research with the GenB projectScienzaInsieme, and Cluster SPRINGwill organize the Italian satellite event “Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival – Rome Edition”.

Scientific-technological research and advanced training applied to marine sciences
Scientific-technological research and advanced training applied to marine sciences
Mar 07, 2024 — Mar 08, 2024 Zhoushan, Zhejiang, CHina

On 7 and 8 March at the Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU), in the presence of the Italian Ambassador to China Dr. Massimo Ambrosetti, the II Italy-China bilateral workshop on "Scientific-technological research and higher education" will take place. applied to marine sciences", organized by the Italian Embassy in China and the ZJOU.

Representatives of ISPRA, the University of Pisa and the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station will also be present at the workshop.

Refining tools for cetacean conservation
Refining tools for cetacean conservation
Mar 06, 2024

Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) is a powerful tool employed by researchers to pinpoint critical areas essential for species survival. This tool holds particular significance when studying and conserving species like cetaceans, whose large-scale movements in the vaste marine environment pose challenges for continuous monitoring across its entire extention.

Italy-China collaboration in research and innovation applied to marine sciences
Italy-China collaboration in research and innovation applied to marine sciences
Mar 06, 2024 — Mar 10, 2024 China

During meetings that took place from 6 to 10 March in China, ISPRA, the University of Pisa and the A. Dohrn Zoological Station gave new impetus to their collaboration with the Zhejiang University of Oceanography (ZJOU ) supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
Mar 04, 2024

An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy
Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental challenges and to satisfy new knowledge needs, including future scenarios, the ISPRA environmental indicators database disseminates detailed statistical information in a dynamic and timely manner characterized by a high scientific solidity.

Which beaches Caretta Caretta choose for nesting? ISPRA sampling campaigns are in progress
Which beaches Caretta Caretta choose for nesting? ISPRA sampling campaigns are in progress
Mar 01, 2024

In the frame of EU LIFETURTLENEST Project ISPRA beach sediment sampling campaigns on some breeding sites of the past seasons are in progress. The composition of the beach has an impact on the breeding success of Caretta Caretta marine turtles. Since last November two monitoring campaigns have been completed, namely in Tuscany Region and Lazio Region while in Campania Region are still ongoing, the campaign occurs on a monthly basis.

World Seagrass Day
World Seagrass Day
Mar 01, 2024 — Mar 01, 2024

World Seagrass Day is celebrated on March 1st, vital for the maintenance of marine ecosystems.
ISPRA celebrates this anniversary with 3 videos aimed at students, dedicated to Posidonia oceanica, its enormous ecological value, the importance of sustainable management and conscious use of coastal areas.

Photo contest "RAMOGE: Man and the Sea"
Photo contest "RAMOGE: Man and the Sea"
Feb 27, 2024

Under the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)

The RAMOGE Agreement, which brings together Italy, France and the Principality of Monaco in the protection of Mediterranean coastal waters, launched on 15 February the third edition of the international photography contest "RAMOGE - Man and the Sea". Placed under the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Arts (FIAP), the competition will be held until 15 September 2024.

LIFETURTLENEST launches a survey on socio-economic benefits
LIFETURTLENEST launches a survey on socio-economic benefits
Feb 22, 2024

At the beginning of its second year of activities, the EU Project LIFE Turtlenest has launched a survey on socio-economic benefits produced in order to assess the impact of the project. This survey is useful to evaluate the level of Knowledge and awareness on topics linked to the conservation of marine turtles and the interest of key actors to carry on concrete actions for the protection of nature together with the project.

Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Feb 21, 2024 09:30 AM — Feb 21, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Via di Santa Maria in Via, 37b

The Report, now in its fourth edition, offers a detailed overview of the state of our environment based on objective, reliable and comparable information, with 21 environmental indicators that allow us to evaluate the achievement of the numerous set objectives and to effectively address future environmental challenges . The second part of the document highlights the commitment and work of ISPRA and the ARPA/APPA, through a focus on best practices for the fight against climate change, to support the circular economy, to contribute to the process of sustainable finance, to protect our health and our planet and to raise awareness and inform the community.


Spot Environment Report  SNPA

Environment Report SNPA - Edition 2023

The point on tsunami risk management in the Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic in the next assembly of countries participating in the IOC-UNESCO program
The point on tsunami risk management in the Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic in the next assembly of countries participating in the IOC-UNESCO program
Feb 05, 2024 — Feb 08, 2024 Paris

The 18th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas it will be take place in Paris from 5 to 8 February 

The Strong Sea project in Civitavecchia
The Strong Sea project in Civitavecchia
Jan 30, 2024 09:00 AM — Jan 30, 2024 04:00 PM Civitavecchia - Sala Conferenze c/o Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale - Molo Vespucci

The aim of the project is to protect and improve the conservation status of protected habitats of Posidonia oceanica meadows and Coralligenous reefs damaged by the presence of Abandoned, Lost or otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG). The event will be an opportunity to present to the local population and stakeholders the actions already undertaken in the Gulf of Asinara to face this important challenge. The morning program proposes a series of interventions aimed at deepening not only the objectives of the project but also the replicability actions planned in Corsica and Tuscany; a round table will also be held in the afternoon which will involve researchers and experts from the local maritime and fishing sectors

Will ISPRA researchers be able to replicate the project along the seabed of Civitavecchia affected by the same threat?


Photo gallery

States General of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea
States General of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea
Dec 19, 2023 03:30 PM — Dec 19, 2023 06:00 PM Rome, Chiostro di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

The Sea Cluster for a new Mediterranean centrality of Italy. Environment, Economy, Safety and Sustainability

The National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea is organizing the States General in Rome on 19 December, an opportunity to enhance the Sea resource as a strategic asset of the economic and social architecture of the country.

The message of the new generations arrives at the COP23 of the Barcelona Convention
The message of the new generations arrives at the COP23 of the Barcelona Convention
Dec 05, 2023 — Dec 08, 2023 Portorož - Slovenia

Slovenia is currently hosting COP23, the meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coasts of the Mediterranean and its Protocols.
Present were government officials and accredited representatives of the Contracting Parties (21 Mediterranean coastal countries and the European Union) together with observers and intergovernmental organizations.

Ecotoxicological methods: towards common evaluation criteria for different fields. III Day of applied ecotoxicology
Ecotoxicological methods: towards common evaluation criteria for different fields. III Day of applied ecotoxicology
Nov 22, 2023 01:00 PM — Nov 23, 2023 02:00 PM Livorno

Sediments and waters of marine, lake and inland environments; soils; waste

Traditional contaminants (metals and organic contaminants) and above all emerging ones (plastics, drugs, new pesticides and food or cosmetic products) are increasingly present in natural and anthropic ecosystems that must be managed for the construction of works, to ensure the functionality of services, in industrial products or in discharges. Ecotoxicological investigations estimate the effects on living organisms and are changing the system of environmental assessments and the technical reference criteria of sector standards.