Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Underwater Cleaning 2023
Underwater Cleaning 2023
Jul 08, 2023 — Jul 08, 2023 Palermo

Last 8 july was held in the Mondello Gulf the edition of the Underwater Cleaning Mondello 2023. The initiative, organized by OWAC Engineering Company and patronage by Asja Ambiente, has seen tens of volunteers involved in the collection of any kind of waste, along the beach of the Gulf. Thanks to the job of the teams on the sea, made up of about thirty freedivers, plastic and glass bottles, plastic bags and even truck covers were recovered.

Change the climate. Change the sea
Change the climate. Change the sea
Jun 30, 2023 07:00 PM — Jun 30, 2023 08:00 PM Isola d'Elba, Marciana Marina

The Sea Essence International Festival is held on the Island of Elba from 30 June to 2 July, the first international festival dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the sea.

The three-day activities will focus on the initiatives to be undertaken to achieve full sustainability for the marine ecosystem, bringing together the environment, economy and society.
On Friday 30 June, the ISPRA Director General, Maria Siclari, will participate in the conference "Change the climate Change the sea". The central themes of the meeting are pollution and the overexploitation of the seas and oceans which cause an increasing number of problems, such as the danger for the diversity of species, the acidification of the seas and the increase in plastic waste. .

The ecological beach of Ascea Marina, in Cilento
The ecological beach of Ascea Marina, in Cilento
Jun 27, 2023

On 24 and 25 June, ISPRA researchers, in collaboration with the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, involved children and teenagers in various environmental education activities on the beach of Ascea Marina: workshops on sea turtles and oceanic Posidonia, games, comics on the sea and much else.

The ecological beach

What species of cetaceans and turtles can be found in our seas?
What species of cetaceans and turtles can be found in our seas?
Jun 23, 2023

Some videos realized in four languages ​​by the CIMA Foundation, the International Center for Environmental Monitoring, are available on the LIFE Conceptu Maris Project website to explain which species of cetaceans and turtles it is possible to encounter in the Italian seas and also to give useful indications for recognizing them.

ISPRA is the coordinating beneficiary of the Project

Final results of the GoFree project
Final results of the GoFree project
Jun 21, 2023

The final results of the project dedicated to the introduction of striped humpback shrimp  fishing in Sardegna with biodegradable and compostable pots are encouraging.
In the 5 experimental fishing campaigns, "sustainable" tools offered performances, in terms of fishing yield, comparable to those made of plastic. The researchers also studied the nutritional components of the striped hunchback, deep-sea shrimp, to evaluate its nutritional contribution to human nutrition.
The GoFree project, coordinated by ISPRA, has opened up new perspectives for reconciling tradition, sustainability and innovation with a view to conserving biodiversity in marine environments.

Final event MED Dé.CO.U.Plages
Final event MED Dé.CO.U.Plages
Jun 21, 2023 — Jun 22, 2023 Kerkennah – Tunisia

Two days dedicated to the European Italy-Tunisia project, for an eco-sustainable management of plastic waste and Posidonia oceanica deposits.
The project, in which ISPRA participates, was developed over three years, among the beaches of some sites identified by the researchers (Favignana, Kerkennah, Madia) to experiment with best practice models for mapping and monitoring the accumulations of Posidonia (Banquette) and to develop an ecological beach model.
The closure of the project, which was held in Kerkennah (TU) these days saw the participation of all the partners involved

Climate change, energy transition and digitalisation: models of adaptation, management and development of the Mediterranean coastal areas
Climate change, energy transition and digitalisation: models of adaptation, management and development of the Mediterranean coastal areas
Jun 21, 2023 — Jun 23, 2023 Matera

The event is aimed at institutions, administrations, researchers and professionals working on issues related to the impacts of climate change, with particular attention to the issues of energy transition and digitization.

Signed the memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and the University of Palermo
Signed the memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and the University of Palermo
Jun 19, 2023

The agreement is aimed at promoting collaboration between ISPRA and UNIPA for the achievement of goals of common interest in the planning and implementation of projects in the sectors of environmental protection and sustainability, for the adoption of a shared strategy.

16 June, World sea turtle day
16 June, World sea turtle day
Jun 16, 2023

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on 16 June, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the endangered status of these species.
On January 20, the Kick-off meeting of the LIFE TURTLENEST project was held, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by Legambiente, whose main objective is to conserve and protect the Caretta Caretta sea turtle. LIFE TURTLENEST also intends to evaluate the impact of climate change on the nesting of the species.

ISPRA, as project partner, is responsible for the geomorphological characterization of nesting sites, analysis for land use planning and management, geomorphological and chemical characterization and preparation of guidelines on coastal erosion management for the suitability of the nesting habitat.

Sea and Health
Sea and Health
Jun 15, 2023 09:00 AM — Jun 15, 2023 03:30 PM

Understand and check the connections between the global ocean and human health trough the scientific cooperation and the institutional partnership 
The Conference, with the participation of institutions, research bodies and the third sector involved in the protection of aquatic and marine environments, intends to strengthen the actions that Italy is promoting at national and international level, in the perspective of "planetary health" and "one water”, towards the realization of the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030.

The event is structured in a first part focused on the actions of the central institutions with respect to environmental protection and a second part dedicated to research and communication, in which the «SEA-CARE» project will also be presented, in partnership with ISS-SNPA-MM and some Universities, and the actions of PNRR MER – Marine Ecosystem Restoration Restoration, carried out by ISPRA, under the vision of MASE

Wreck of the Elpis ship on the seabed of the Marine Protected Area of ​​the Egadi Islands: the 3D mapping mission is underwary
Wreck of the Elpis ship on the seabed of the Marine Protected Area of ​​the Egadi Islands: the 3D mapping mission is underwary
Jun 14, 2023

Ultra-resolution 3D photogrammetric surveys and samples for laboratory analyzes are underway aimed at understanding the colonization dynamics of oceanic posidonia on the ship wrecked in 1978. The mission involves ISPRA, the Underwater Carabinieri Nuclei of Messina and Rome, the Naval Service of Favignana , IAS CNR of Palermo and DiSTeM UNIPA.

The new web site of the ISPRA networks for monitoring the physical state of the sea is online
The new web site of the ISPRA networks for monitoring the physical state of the sea is online
Jun 01, 2023

From today the new web site of the National Mareographic Network (RMN) and the National Ondametric Network (RON) is online, accessible at the web

The web site allows to query the databases of tide gauge stations and weather-wave buoys in real time with the possibility of consulting and extracting the observed data of tide levels, wave motion and the main marine weather parameters in the installation locations of the stations measuring machines.

Event to present the results of a project on marine litter collection operations by fishermen
Event to present the results of a project on marine litter collection operations by fishermen
May 20, 2023 11:00 AM Municipality of Portopalo di Capo Passero

Last Saturday 20 May 2023, the event to present the results of the project «Collection interventions by fishermen of waste from the sea on the surface and on the seabed including the removal of lost fishing tool from the sea" funded under the EMFF 2014-2020 - Project Measure 4.63 "Implementation of participatory-type local development strategies" - under which ISPRA of Palermo provided support scientific for the removal of lost fishing tool.

ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna: joint inspection to verify the state of health of the replanting of Posidonia in Porto Torres
ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna: joint inspection to verify the state of health of the replanting of Posidonia in Porto Torres
May 18, 2023 — May 18, 2023 Porto Torres

On May 18, the technicians of ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna were together in the Gulf of Asinara to monitor the manually transplanted Posidonia oceanica meadow. The transplant started in October 2022 and ended in March 2023, involving a final surface area of ​​11,500 m2 (7,000 m2 net). It is an environmental compensation work prescribed for the expansion works of the Civic Port of Porto Torres, by the VIA Decree n. 35 of 06/02/2018.

GET ON BOARD WITH THE RESEARCHERS - The Citizen Science campaign to monitor cetaceans, turtles and marine litter of the European Life Project CONCEPTU MARIS is started
GET ON BOARD WITH THE RESEARCHERS - The Citizen Science campaign to monitor cetaceans, turtles and marine litter of the European Life Project CONCEPTU MARIS is started
May 16, 2023 10:00 AM — May 16, 2023 12:30 PM Rome, sede ISPRA, sala Conferenze, Via V. Brancati, 48

The Life Conceptu Maris (CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability) project is preparing to start the citizen science phase: citizens, professionals and students will be invited to board the ferries to contribute monitoring alongside ISPRA researchers. The recruitment starts from ISPRA colleagues operating on other activities who will want to experience how monitoring data of megafauna and sea turtles from ferries are collected.

National Sea Day
National Sea Day
May 16, 2023 — May 16, 2023

ISPRA is participating today, at the Castelporziano Estate, in the National Day of the Sea, promoted by the Ministry for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella and the Minister Nello Musumeci.
ISPRA exhibits two exhibitions, one dedicated to the adventures of sea turtle Carrie, created as part of the INDICIT Project, which narrates the dangers Carrie encounters due to abandoned nets, plastics and microplastics. The second exhibition "20.000 nets under the sea" is realized as part of the Mo.Ri.Net Project, whose objective is the conservation of marine habitats in two pilot areas of Sardinia through actions that include the removal of marine litter and fishing gear fishing lost, actively involving fishermen and raising awareness of the problem with dissemination and dissemination activities. From the point of view of the Circular Economy, the polyethylene waste collected, if suitable, is sent to the recycling and valorisation process.
Both exhibitions, together with the exhibition stand, were visited by President Mattarella and Minister Musumeci.

ISPRA president Stefano Laporta and the DG Maria Siclari have participated at the event.

Photo gallery

The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today
The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today
May 13, 2023 10:00 AM — May 13, 2023 05:00 PM Civitavecchia e Tarquinia (VT), Monumento Naturale La Frasca, Via Sparterro Melchiorri - Strada della Torre Valdaliga

As part of the side events organized for the European Researchers' Night 2023 which this year will take place on 29 September, ISPRA, on Saturday 13 May, will organize the following excursion: "The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today".

Monk Seal: sighting close the coast of Capri
Monk Seal: sighting close the coast of Capri
May 12, 2023

On Sunday 7 May, some boaters sighted and videotaped a monk seal about 2.3 miles off the west coast of the island of Capri.
Thanks to the report from the researchers of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples, ISPRA staff immediately contacted the spotters to validate the information and enter the data collected as part of the national monitoring program on this species.

Development of tools derived from Copernicus products for monitoring bathing water and shellfish farming and interaction with stakeholders
Development of tools derived from Copernicus products for monitoring bathing water and shellfish farming and interaction with stakeholders
May 04, 2023 11:00 AM — May 04, 2023 04:00 PM

Natural resources in marine-coastal areas are often exploited to support human activities. To optimize the use of resources and manage them in a sustainable manner, careful monitoring of the parameters of the marine environment is necessary. This FPCUP action has as its object the development of integrated monitoring products to support bathing and shellfish farming activities which can be negatively influenced by anthropic factors, such as spills into the sea with bacterial contamination of the environment (e.g. discharges from treatment plants urban waste water, collection of run-off water on agricultural or pasture land) and consequent risks for human health and the environment.

Ships of May
Ships of May
May 04, 2023 — May 04, 2023 Livorno

The spring programming of events included in Italian Port Days and coordinated by the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea in collaboration with Assoporti-Association of Italian ports kicked off on 11 April. In addition to the visits to the ports offered to citizens, May 4 will be the day dedicated to the "Ships of May" event organized by the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and which offers local schools the opportunity to visit the boats for the protection of the marine-coastal environment moored at the Medicean port as well as informative meetings that will be held in the spaces of the Old Fortress.

Documentary Gofree Project
Documentary Gofree Project
Apr 24, 2023

The project, started on April 2021,  aimed to introduce and incentivize the fishing of bathyal shrimp, also called hunchbacks introducing innovative measures both in the fishing process, in order to favor fishing also at bathymetry not yet exploited.

Earth Day 2023 - One People One Planet
Earth Day 2023 - One People One Planet
Apr 22, 2023 — Apr 22, 2023 Online event

On the occasion of the 53rd World Earth Day, #OnePeopleOnePlanet returns, a multimedia marathon, now in its fourth edition, to celebrate Earth Day in Italy. The event includes 16 hours of live television broadcast on  Rai Play from the Nuvola di Fuksas in Rome.

ISPRA researcher will participate to the multimedia marathon to present the projects MORINETSTRONG SEA LIFE and PNRR MER dedicated to the protection of the sea and in particular to the recovery of ghost nets.

At the final day of One People One Planet  ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and the DG Maria Siclari will participate

Earth Day 2023 - Village for the Earth
Earth Day 2023 - Village for the Earth
Apr 21, 2023 — Apr 25, 2023 Rome, Terrazza del Pincio e Galoppatoio di Villa Borghese

April 22 is the World Earth Day. Earth Day Italia celebrates the day with an event that takes place over five days, from 21 to 25 April, dedicated to the environment punctuated by a program full of shows and cultural and sporting events, meetings and a village for the little ones with educational workshops.

Professional fishing on Elba and in the Tuscan Archipelago: History, current events and prospects
Professional fishing on Elba and in the Tuscan Archipelago: History, current events and prospects
Apr 21, 2023 — Apr 21, 2023

From 14 April to 12 May on the Island of Elba the event "Fishing with taste: fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans" will be held. A cycle of events is planned in collaboration with the Fondazione Isola d'Elba ETS, the body created in 2015 to enhance the identity of the Elba community and support sustainable development

Gofree project "Introduction of the striped humpback shrimp (Plesionika edwardsii, Brandt, 1851) fishing in Sardegna"
Gofree project "Introduction of the striped humpback shrimp (Plesionika edwardsii, Brandt, 1851) fishing in Sardegna"
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 19, 2023

The Gofree Project "Introduction of the striped humpback shrimp (Plesionika edwardsii) fishing in Sardegna" started in April 2021, its primary objective was to create pots lined with prototypes of biodegradable and compostable materials to be used for fishing for striped hunchback, a deep-water crayfish.

ISPRA and SNPA at the Rome Science Festival
ISPRA and SNPA at the Rome Science Festival
Apr 18, 2023 — Apr 23, 2023 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

The 18th edition of the Rome Science Festival will be held from 18 to 23 April 2023 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica "Ennio Morricone".

IMMAGINARI is the theme of this edition dedicated to the imagination, one of the most powerful tools that allows us to conceive works of art, new technologies and allows us to find solutions to everyday problems.

ISPRA is scientific partner of the event and this year organizes the SNPA conference entitled "Communicate the environment" within the event: a morning of discussion (Wednesday 19 April 9.30-14) with some protagonists of the world information and environmental divulgation to analyze how we are reporting the environment through the media and how we will be called to do in the future.

Together with this appointment, ISPRA promotes a series of initiatives during the week of the Festival.

Crossing the trail of cetaceans
Crossing the trail of cetaceans
Apr 17, 2023 03:00 PM — Apr 17, 2023 06:30 PM Streaming live

The sessions of the 34th conference of the ECS, the European Cetacean Society, begin on Monday 17 April in Galicia. The event, which will continue until 20 April, will attract many researchers specialized in marine mammals from all over Europe.

For the occasion, thanks to the collaboration between the LIFE CONCEPTU MARIS and IMPEL EU MTT (Europe Marine Transborder Transect) projects, a networking workshop will be held on monitoring cetaceans via ferries, one of the cornerstones of CONCEPTU MARIS activities. The workshop, entitled "Crossing the trail of cetaceans", will explore in detail all the phases of information collection, from the protocols on board the ferries to the cutting-edge technologies used, up to the most effective analytical approaches to organize all the information collected.

Course on the mending of P.oceanica meadows damaged by anchors
Course on the mending of P.oceanica meadows damaged by anchors
Apr 17, 2023 03:00 PM — Apr 21, 2023 04:00 PM National Park of Asinara

As part of the SEAFOREST LIFE project "Posidonia meadows as carbon sinks of the Mediterranean", approved and funded under the LIFE Programme, 'Climate Actions 2017' sub-programme, priority sector with themes in climate change mitigation is organized by ISPRA in collaboration with the University of Sassari, a training course concerning the collection of beached seeds and/or shoots and/or cuttings and mending demonstration activities dedicated to operators of parks and protected areas.

National Sea Day
National Sea Day
Apr 11, 2023 — Apr 11, 2023

April 11 is National Sea Day, established by Legislative Decree 229/2017. This year the main facade of Palazzo Chigi in Piazza Colonna in Rome will be illuminated in blue from 20.00 to 24.00.

ISPRA has various activities for the protection of the sea: bathing waters, coastal erosion, sustainable aquaculture, impacts and environmental management of ports and coastal marine sediments, oceanic posidonia, weather forecasts of the Hydro-Meteo-Mare System and Mareographic Network National and the Venice Lagoon.

In the occasion of the National Sea Day ISPRA has published the press release on the Plane wreck on the seabed off Sciacca 

Presented today the Rome Science Festival 2023
Presented today the Rome Science Festival 2023
Apr 04, 2023 — Apr 04, 2023

From 18 to 23 April 2023, the Rome Science Festival returns to the "Ennio Morricone" Auditorium Parco della Musica with its 18th edition.
Over 100 meetings, over 100 educational activities, over 10 weekend activities for families, 4 exhibits, 16 scientific and cultural partners.
IMMAGINARI is the theme of this edition dedicated to the imagination, one of the most powerful tools that allows us to conceive works of art, new technologies and allows us to find solutions to everyday problems