Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Italian technological innovation in anti-seismic construction
Italian technological innovation in anti-seismic construction
May 18, 2021 12:00 PM — May 18, 2021 03:00 PM Online event

Focus on ongoing post-earthquake reconstruction
Earth Tech Expo will be held in Florence from 13 to 16 October 2021. The first Expo of the "digital and ecological transition" to expose the Italian technological leadership with exhibitions, conferences, presentations, links, all the news from the Italian Space Agency, research bodies, universities, companies and companies, spin offs, start-ups, regions and local authorities in all sectors.

Cooperation agreement between ISPRA, SIGEA, Majella Global UNESCO Geopark and Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Chieti and Pescara
Cooperation agreement between ISPRA, SIGEA, Majella Global UNESCO Geopark and Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Chieti and Pescara
May 05, 2021

Launched the cooperation agreement between ISPRA, SIGEA, Majella Global UNESCO Geopark and Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Chieti and Pescara aimed at the census, in-depth study and dissemination of knowledge related to the sites of geological memory present in the Abruzzo region.

Signed agreement between ISPRA and the municipality of Bracciano
Signed agreement between ISPRA and the municipality of Bracciano
May 03, 2021

The agreement will have as its object the study and census of the underground cavities of artificial origin below the historic center of Bracciano.

Online Geonews 2/2021
Online Geonews 2/2021
Apr 23, 2021

The second number 2021 of the newsletter of the Geological Survey of Italy is available online.

World Earth Day: the importance of the soil!
World Earth Day: the importance of the soil!
Apr 22, 2021

ISPRA, in the whole of the project Soil4life and in occasion of the World Earth Day, produced a video on the connection between soil and climate change. 
The exploitation of the soil disrupts the natural balance of the Earth and causes the loss of ecosystem services. Overbuilding over the last 7 years has prevented the soil from storing over 2 million tons of carbon. And losing ecosystem services means seeing an increase in natural phenomena (floods, heat islands, climate change) both in economic terms.

Contaminated Sites. The characterization and remediation procedures in light of Legislative Decree no. 76 of 16 June 2020
Contaminated Sites. The characterization and remediation procedures in light of Legislative Decree no. 76 of 16 June 2020
Apr 16, 2021 11:00 AM — Apr 16, 2021 03:30 PM Online event

The remediation of contaminated sites is ruled by Italian law in Title V to Part IV of Legislative Decree no. 3 April 2006 no. 152. Alongside the initial legislation, there are various interventions by the legislator that have disciplined and regulated particular cases.

Environment and health in the contaminated sites. From the scientific research to the decisions
Environment and health in the contaminated sites. From the scientific research to the decisions
Apr 13, 2021 04:00 PM — Apr 13, 2021 06:00 PM Webinar

On 13 April it will be presented the book "Environment and health in the contaminated sites" which include the results of a multidisciplinary research dedicated to the effects on the ecosystem and population of the phenomena of environmental degradation produced by human activities.

Civil Protection: with RETRACE-3D three-dimensional geological reconstruction of the area hit by the earthquake in central Italy
Civil Protection: with RETRACE-3D three-dimensional geological reconstruction of the area hit by the earthquake in central Italy
Mar 31, 2021

A 3D model of the volume of the earth's crust in which was produced the Amatrice earthquake of 24 August 2016 and the subsequent seismic sequence: this is one of the results of the RETRACE-3D project (central italy EarThquakes integRAted Crustal model;, a work carried out by the Department of Civil Protection together with the research institutes CNR-IGAG, CNR-IREA, INGV and ISPRA for the development of original products that represent an innovative point of view on the seismic area of ​​the Central Apennines.

Online the summary sheet of the CARG Project, the Geological Cartography project at a scale of 1: 50,000
Online the summary sheet of the CARG Project, the Geological Cartography project at a scale of 1: 50,000
Mar 29, 2021

The document proposes the strategic lines of the activities implemented by the CARG Service, its progress, the partners, the public and the tools, including the Database, which citizens can use to consult the data and the geological sheets.

Ecological transition and soil consumption. The Soil4life project
Ecological transition and soil consumption. The Soil4life project
Mar 17, 2021

The ecological transition includes also the natural resources protection and their restoration in degraded areas. That means to stop the consumption of soil and the re-naturalization of unused waterproofed areas.

Learn the subsoil: methods and applications the sustainable development
Learn the subsoil: methods and applications the sustainable development
Mar 17, 2021 — Mar 17, 2021

Avalaible the streaming of the workshop: "Geological modeling 3D".
The improvement of the geological knowledge of the subsoil allows to support the evaluation and correct management of strategic resources for the society, the correct and safe design of infrastructures, planning in urban areas, the best knowledge of important geological hazards.

Earth Tecnology Expo
Earth Tecnology Expo
Mar 15, 2021 11:00 AM — Mar 15, 2021 02:00 PM Webinar

Geo-spatial observation of the Earth. Satellites, scientific instruments and technologies made in Italy in orbit for the control of the territory and the reduction of natural risks.

Journey to mining Italy
Journey to mining Italy
Mar 04, 2021 07:00 PM — Mar 04, 2021 08:00 PM Online event

Today 4 March at 18:00  streaming live on the Facebook pages of ReMiFondazione ISEC e Musil (Musil Brescia - Sistema Museale dell'Industria e del Lavoro di Brescia) the Network coordinator ReMi- ISPRA will present “Journey to mining Italy", the luxurious volume totally dedicated to parks and mining museum reconverted and enhanced.

Workshop "State of remediation of contaminated sites: a look at the regional sites"
Workshop "State of remediation of contaminated sites: a look at the regional sites"
Mar 04, 2021 11:00 AM — Mar 04, 2021 02:30 PM Streaming live

First Report ISPRA-SNPA on the state of remediation at regional level, as a results of the cooperation between SNPA and Regions/Autonomous Provinces. What is the state of remediation in Italy on the sites of regional competence? How many contaminated and restored sites are there? Are there good practices?
The first report about the remediation of regional sites is the result of the joint activities of the SNPA and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, which provides an overview of the information data available. The Report aims to support decisions in the management of contaminated sites.


4th Conference of the Italian Marine Geologists
4th Conference of the Italian Marine Geologists
Feb 25, 2021 — Feb 26, 2021 Online event

The 4th Conference of Italian Marine Geologists will take place on 25 and 26 February under the aegis of the Italian Geological Society, CNR, INGV, OGS, ConISMa and ISPRA. The aim is to bring together all researchers active in the field of marine geosciences in a discussion informal and open to all.

Caring for soil is caring for life
Caring for soil is caring for life
Feb 24, 2021 10:30 AM — Feb 24, 2021 01:30 PM Online event

On the 24 Febraury in the frame of Horizon Europe activities, the Italian Ministry University and Research in cooperation with Santa Chiara Lab - University of Siena, APRE and Re Soil foundation is organizing the event: "Caring for soil is caring for life".

Land consumption of Roma Capitale Municipality
Land consumption of Roma Capitale Municipality
Feb 19, 2021 12:00 PM — Feb 19, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

Land cover analysis in the territory of Rome. Report 2020
The report, which contains the results of the study carried out in cooperation with ISPRA and the Universal Civil Service, aims to provide useful tools for decision makers in the perspective of sustainable urban development. Specifically, the 2020 update reports a detailed analysis of the land cover in the Municipality of Rome, with a complete mapping of the territory and the reconstruction of the historical series of recent years.




Land and rocks from excavation – D.P.R. 120/2017
Land and rocks from excavation – D.P.R. 120/2017
Feb 12, 2021 04:00 PM — Feb 12, 2021 08:00 PM Webinar

The Order of Geologists of Campania will organize the webinar "Lands and Rocks from excavation - D.P.R. 120/2017" on February 12. ISPRA experts are participating. 

Women geology in ISPRA
Women geology in ISPRA
Feb 11, 2021 — Feb 11, 2021

The activities of scientific research and environmental protection see women as protagonists, even if the numbers tell us a different story. In the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, promoted by UN, which is celebrated on 11 February, a photographic exhibition guides the discovery of the many activities carried out by ISPRA women geologists.
The initiative, promoted within the panGEA group - Geosciences without borders, aims to highlight the role of women in Geosciences, one of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines where gender equality and inclusion have yet to find a space for attention and concrete intervention.
The building of a network for the development of awareness-raising activities represents the first step towards greater attention to this issue.

Safe reconstruction: ISPRA will support the Central Apennine Basin Authority by providing technical and scientific support
Safe reconstruction: ISPRA will support the Central Apennine Basin Authority by providing technical and scientific support
Feb 10, 2021

The Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016 Giovanni Legnini and the General Secretary of the Central Apennine District Basin Authority Erasmo D'Angelis signed on February 9 the cooperation agreement for the monitoring studies of 295 landslide areas affected by hydrogeological instability that are block in the reconstruction of various urban centers in the 138 municipalities of the 2016 earthquake crater.

Agreement signed between MIBACT and ISPRA for the enhancement of the Geological Collections
Agreement signed between MIBACT and ISPRA for the enhancement of the Geological Collections
Feb 09, 2021

The 170 thousand finds in the “Quintino Sella” Museum of Italian Geopaleontology are once again available to the scientific community.
The agreement for the museum enhancement of the geological and historical collections of the Geological Survey of Italy was signed by the General Director of Museums of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Massimo Osanna, and the  ISPRA DG, Alessandro Bratti.

The sustainability of the remediation
The sustainability of the remediation
Feb 08, 2021

The control room and the extraordinary commissioner for remediation have signed a cooperation framework agreement to promote sustainability in the remediation of illegal landfills on the national territory and improving good remediation practices, with particular regard to the  well-being following the reclamation and safety work of landfills and contaminated sites.

Prevention systems and models of responsibility in the management of natural risks
Prevention systems and models of responsibility in the management of natural risks
Feb 05, 2021 11:00 AM — Feb 05, 2021 07:00 PM Webinar

The webinar, organized by the Law Department of Ferrara University and the Forense Chamber aims to analyze the scientific aspects of the natural risks and their regulations.

Soil4Life: training course for the soil protection
Soil4Life: training course for the soil protection
Feb 04, 2021

A training course with the professions for the sharing of voluntary guidelines
From Tuesday 9 February will be held a cycle of free training sessions will start, promoted by the Network of Technical Professions (RPT) in cooperation with the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Politecnico di Milano, ISPRA and Legambiente, to promote the sustainable use of soil as a strategic, limited and non-renewable resource.

Presentation of the volume "The sites of geological memory in the territory of Lazio", Descriptive Memories of the Geological Map of Italy, volume 106
Presentation of the volume "The sites of geological memory in the territory of Lazio", Descriptive Memories of the Geological Map of Italy, volume 106
Jan 29, 2021 10:00 AM — Jan 29, 2021 02:30 PM On-line event

At the conclusion of the cooperation agreement between ISPRA, the Lazio Region and the Metropolitan City of Roma Capitale, a monographic volume of the Descriptive Memories of the Geological Map of Italy was published and made available free online, that focus on: "The sites of geological memory in the territory of Lazio". The following volume aims to help keep alive the "geological memory" linked to the sites in the Lazio region. This objective was achieved through the census, the deepening and dissemination of knowledge of the "sites of geological memory" through a series of scientific articles that collect the description of the places, the geological events identified and the characters who contributed to spread interest in that place.

XI ReMi network meeting
XI ReMi network meeting
Dec 21, 2020 11:00 AM Online event

The XI  ReMi meeting reserved for the members of the Network coordination committee will be held online next 21 December.

European rivers are fragmented by more than one million barriers
European rivers are fragmented by more than one million barriers
Dec 17, 2020

ISPRA has participated in a study on barriers on European rivers published in the magazine Nature
Europe's rivers are fragmented due to more than a million barriers (e.g. dams), according to an overall assessment published in Nature this week. The study includes the monitoring of more than 2,700 km of waterways, from which it can be assumed that the number of reefs in Europe is underestimated by 61%.

Hearing on the environmental impacts of mining
Hearing on the environmental impacts of mining
Dec 16, 2020 03:00 PM — Dec 16, 2020 04:00 PM

On Wednesday 16 December, in work of  the Ecomafia Commission there will be an hearing on the environmental impacts of mining that which also attended by the general director of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti and an expert from the Institute.

World Soil Day 2020
World Soil Day 2020
Dec 09, 2020

Soil4Life - the essential is invisible to the eyes
World Soil Day is celebrated on 5 December, an anniversary that focuses on the important role of sustainable soil management and its state of health.
According to ISPRA data, in only seven years in Italy the degraded soil increased  by more than 70 sq km and land consumption growth at a rate of 2 sq m per second. In order to spread more awareness, ISPRA, within the Soil4life project, has produced a video to understand the importance of this fundamental resource, named "Soil matters!".