Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
Nov 26, 2024 — Nov 28, 2024 Livorno, Camera di Commercio - Piazza del Municipio

As usual, every 2 years starting from 2006, ISPRA promotes the Study Days "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies" with the collaboration and support of other public and private institutions. These days represent a meeting moment for the Italian scientific community, control bodies, private individuals and all those interested in ecotoxicological issues and their practical applications and regulatory evolution.

ISPRA in RemTech Expo 2024
ISPRA in RemTech Expo 2024
Sep 18, 2024 — Sep 20, 2024 Ferrara

From 18 to 20 September the XVIII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held in Ferrara, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of restoration, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. This year too ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings.
There are ten segments that make up the event: REMTECH and REMTECH EUROPE remediation of contaminated sites, COAST coastal protection, ports, sustainability, ESONDA hydrogeological instability, floods, landslides, CLIMETECH climate change, mitigation, adaptation, GEOSISM seismic risk, prevention, reconstruction , INERTIA sustainable works materials, circular economy, RIGENERACITY urban regeneration, CHEMTECH innovative and sustainable chemical industry and FIRE prevention-innovation-research, fire prevention and safety of the Italian Cultural Heritage - and a special HUTTE segment dedicated to the themes of sustainability and integral well-being .

Waste from Economic Activities: in 2022 production fell by 2.1%
Waste from Economic Activities: in 2022 production fell by 2.1%
Jul 18, 2024

The new edition of the ISPRA Report is online

In 2022, the conflict in Ukraine and the energy crisis negatively affected the Italian economy, causing a reduction in the production of waste from economic activities compared to 2021. Industrial, commercial, artisan, service, waste treatment and environmental remediation activities they generated a total of 161.4 million tonnes of waste from economic activities, recording a decrease of 2.1%, equivalent to over 3.4 million tonnes less compared to the previous year.

From the data collected in the latest Special Waste Report, now in its twenty-third edition, it is noted that once again it is the construction and demolition sector - with almost 80.8 million tonnes - that with the greatest total production of special waste, competing for 50% of the overall production.

Non-hazardous waste, which represents 93.8% of the total waste produced, fell by 2.7 million tonnes (-1.8%) and hazardous waste followed the same trend, decreasing by almost 680 thousand tonnes (-6, 4%). The overall figure sees non-hazardous special waste amounting to 151.4 million tonnes and dangerous waste to almost 10 million tonnes.

It is the manufacturing sector that has the greatest impact on the production of hazardous waste with 37.3%, corresponding to 3.7 million tonnes.


Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2024

Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2024. Synthesis data

Online on 18th July the Report on Waste from Economic Activities - Edition 2024
Online on 18th July the Report on Waste from Economic Activities - Edition 2024
Jul 16, 2024

The Report on Waste from Economic Activities, now in its twenty-third edition, is the result of a complex activity of collection, analysis and processing of data by the National Centre for Waste and Circular Economy of ISPRA, with the contribution of regional and provincial Environmental Protection Agencies. The Report implements a specific task required by article 189, of legislative decree. n. 152 of 3th April 2006

Presentation of the 2024 Ecomafia Report
Presentation of the 2024 Ecomafia Report
Jul 11, 2024 — Jul 11, 2024 Rome, Palazzo Wedekind

Thirty years after the first Ecomafia Report, on 11 July the version updated to 2024 of the Legambiente Report will be presented, which recounts the numbers of environmental crime in Italy.
The volume presents the data collected by law enforcement agencies and port authorities on ecoregions in Italy in the last year. From the illegal cement cycle to the waste cycle (this year with a focus on e-waste, waste from electrical and electronic equipment). From crimes against animals, such as international trafficking of protected species, to crimes that damage archaeological finds, up to the illegal trade of refrigerant gases.

National Conference EcoForum - XI edition
National Conference EcoForum - XI edition
Jul 03, 2024 — Jul 04, 2024 Rome, Hotel Quirinale

Legambiente, Nuova Ecologia and Kyoto Club, in collaboration with Conai and CONOU, with the patronage of MASE and the Lazio Region, organize the eleventh edition of EcoForum, the national conference on the circular economy. At the end of the two days of work, the thirty-first edition of Comuni Ricicloni takes place, the awards ceremony for the Free Waste Municipalities.

In a world of plastic let's make the difference
In a world of plastic let's make the difference
Jun 26, 2024 05:00 PM — Jun 26, 2024 07:00 PM Rome, Confindustria, via dell'astronomia, 30

General Assembly 2024 Confindustria Cisambiente

The conference "In a world of plastic let's make the difference" will be held on 26 June in the Pininfarina hall of Confindustria. The ISPRA DG Maria Siclari, will participate in the event.

Green Book 2024 presentation
Green Book 2024 presentation
Jun 05, 2024 02:30 PM — Jun 05, 2024 04:30 PM Milano - Green&Blue Festival

The Green Book is the reference monograph for the urban waste sector in Italy. The 2024 edition offers an overview of the regulatory and tariff aspects, up to the needs of the sector, and includes an updated examination of the tender documentation. A specific focus is dedicated to the topic of critical raw materials and actions to encourage the circularity of resources.

On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
Mar 04, 2024

An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy
Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental challenges and to satisfy new knowledge needs, including future scenarios, the ISPRA environmental indicators database disseminates detailed statistical information in a dynamic and timely manner characterized by a high scientific solidity.

The new challenges of Municipalities for the circular economy: The XIII 2023 ANCI-CONAI database report on separate waste collection and recycling
The new challenges of Municipalities for the circular economy: The XIII 2023 ANCI-CONAI database report on separate waste collection and recycling
Feb 29, 2024 09:30 AM — Feb 29, 2024 01:00 PM Rome

The event aims to present the data of the XIII ANCI-CONAI 2023 Report, relating to the 2022 year, on the topics of separate collection and recycling of packaging waste, on which ANCI and CONAI are engaged. During the meeting, the results of the assistance and support activities for the Municipalities will also be highlighted, with respect to the drafting of the development projects for separate waste collection.

Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Feb 21, 2024 09:30 AM — Feb 21, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Via di Santa Maria in Via, 37b

The Report, now in its fourth edition, offers a detailed overview of the state of our environment based on objective, reliable and comparable information, with 21 environmental indicators that allow us to evaluate the achievement of the numerous set objectives and to effectively address future environmental challenges . The second part of the document highlights the commitment and work of ISPRA and the ARPA/APPA, through a focus on best practices for the fight against climate change, to support the circular economy, to contribute to the process of sustainable finance, to protect our health and our planet and to raise awareness and inform the community.


Spot Environment Report  SNPA

Environment Report SNPA - Edition 2023

By-products: problems and opportunities
By-products: problems and opportunities
Feb 08, 2024 10:30 AM — Feb 08, 2024 01:30 PM Milano

The conference aims to analyze, also considering the latest news, the legislation - European, national and regional - and jurisprudence regarding by-products. The circular economy promotes, among other things, the reduction of waste and therefore also the valorisation of by-products. It should take place in environmentally safe conditions so as not to disqualify the use of by-products and also not to become an instrumental shortcut to cut waste management costs and to generate unfair competition with industrial waste recycling activities.

Municipal waste in Italy: production, collection, management and energy recovery. Presentation of the ISPRA and Utilitalia 2023 reports
Municipal waste in Italy: production, collection, management and energy recovery. Presentation of the ISPRA and Utilitalia 2023 reports
Dec 21, 2023 09:30 AM — Dec 21, 2023 01:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

Municipal waste, production down by 1.8% compared to 2021. National separate collection exceeds 65%.
49.2% of urban waste is recycled but the difference compared to collection is still large.

In 2022, the national production of urban waste - just over 29.1 million tonnes - is not aligned with the trend of the main socio-economic indicators: in the face of increases in GDP and household expenditure (respectively, by 3.7% and 6.1%), municipal waste decreases in all geographical macro-areas. In the 14 municipalities with a resident population above 200 thousand inhabitants, between 2021 and 2022 there was a slight increase of 0.4%.

This data emerges from the ISPRA Urban Waste Report, presented on 21 December together with the Report on Energy Recovery from Waste in Italy, prepared by UTILITALIA in collaboration with Ispra, which contains information on anaerobic digestion and incineration plants with energy recovery of waste in Italy.


Municipal Waste Report - edition 2023

Municipal Waste Report - edition 2023. Summary data

Photo gallery

The new frontiers of recycling in Italy
The new frontiers of recycling in Italy
Dec 14, 2023 10:30 AM — Dec 14, 2023 04:00 PM Milano

National Recycling Industry Conference

The conference dedicated to "The new frontiers of recycling in Italy" is promoted by the Foundation for Sustainable Development in collaboration with Conai and Pianeta2030, the monthly magazine of Corriere della Sera, with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, of 'ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection.

On the occasion of the Conference, the 2023 edition of the "Recycling in Italy" Report, created by the Foundation in collaboration with the industrial sectors involved, and the European Environment Agency Report dedicated to the analysis of the secondary raw materials market will be presented. in Europe.

ISPRA hearing at the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into illicit activities connected to the waste cycle and other environmental and agri-food illegal issues
ISPRA hearing at the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into illicit activities connected to the waste cycle and other environmental and agri-food illegal issues
Dec 12, 2023 — Dec 12, 2023

The President Stefano Laporta, the Responsible of the National Center for Waste and the Circular Economy and the Resonsible of the Service for risks and environmental sustainability of technologies, chemical substances, production cycles and water services and for inspection activities presented today at the Commission the ISPRA activities relating to the monitoring and reporting of waste recycling and recovery objectives, the collection of data on the production and management of urban and special waste and the support to MASE for the implementation of the legislation, in particular those on the cessation of waste qualification and on packaging.

ISPRA partecipation at ECOMONDO 2023
ISPRA partecipation at ECOMONDO 2023
Nov 07, 2023 — Nov 10, 2023

Ecomondo is the meeting and dialogue point between industries, stakeholders, policy makers, opinion leaders, local authorities and brings together the key elements that define the development strategies of the European Union's environmental policy.

It is the international reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean basin for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors.

ISPRA program for today:

Let's circulate. Your actions matter
Let's circulate. Your actions matter
Oct 24, 2023 11:30 AM — Oct 24, 2023 01:00 PM Rome, ISPRA headquarters

October 24th is the key stage of the Let's Circular campaign created by ISPRA in collaboration and with the financing of MIMIT - Ministry of Business and Made in Italy.
The event, organized at ISPRA to underline the openness of our Institute to the various stakeholders, was born with a very specific objective: to take stock of the most important stages of the Let's Circular campaign, which began in 2021.
Let's Circulate has two key themes on which ISPRA has made the expertise of its experts available: separate waste collection and food waste.

Save the date


Let's circulate

Video spot 1 - 

Video spot 2

Presentation of the Report UNIRIMA 2023
Presentation of the Report UNIRIMA 2023
Oct 24, 2023 10:00 AM — Oct 24, 2023 01:00 PM Rome

The Unirima report, now in its sixth edition, aims to offer an overview of the sector of collection, recovery, recycling and trade of waste paper, with data, insights into the economic aspects and a picture of the international scenarios updated until September 2023, of a historic sector of the Italian green industry, which contributes substantially to the achievement of our country's recycling objectives.

RemTech Expo 2023
RemTech Expo 2023
Sep 20, 2023 — Sep 22, 2023 Ferrara

From 20 to 22 September in Ferrara the XVII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of recovery, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. Also this year ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings.

Waste from economic activities: comparison on ISPRA data
Waste from economic activities: comparison on ISPRA data
Jul 28, 2023 11:00 AM — Jul 28, 2023 12:00 PM Webinar

The increase of waste from economic activities and their management will be discussed on the new episode of Sostenibilitalia, next 28 July live from 11:00 on Ricicla TV. A comparison of the data from the latest report on  waste from economic activities by ISPRA together with the Director of the Institute's Environmental Sustainability Department.

Significant increase of waste from economic activities after the pandemic: +12.2%
Significant increase of waste from economic activities after the pandemic: +12.2%
Jul 18, 2023 — Jul 18, 2023

ISPRA publishes the Special Waste from economic activities 2023 Edition

After the stop of economic activities due to the pandemic crisis, in 2021 there was significant growth in the production of waste from economic activities, which reached 165 million tonnes. The 12.2% increase corresponds to about 18 million tons. The recovery in the industrial, craft and service sectors marks an increase in waste generated by production activities.

Almost half (47.7%) comes from construction and demolition activities (78.7 million tons), a sector which is confirmed as the main one in the total production of waste from economic activities. The percentage of recycling (80.1%) is significant for this type of waste, largely exceeding the target of 70% set by the legislation for 2020.

Get your cameras ready! EEA launches ZeroWaste PIX photo competition 2023
Get your cameras ready! EEA launches ZeroWaste PIX photo competition 2023
Jul 17, 2023

ZeroWaste PIX photo competition 2023, launched by the European Environment Agency invites to reflect on the state of modern lifestyles and aims at raising awareness and inspire change, conveyed through photographs, whether it is an image of factories, landfills or a community garden that bring people together around a shared sense of purpose.

Presentation of the 2023 Ecomafia Report
Presentation of the 2023 Ecomafia Report
Jul 11, 2023 09:30 AM — Jul 11, 2023 12:30 PM

The stories and numbers of environmental crime in Italy

The Ecomafia Report 2023 will be presented on Tuesday 11 July at 9.30 in the Sala della Regina, Chamber of Deputies. The stories and numbers of environmental crime in Italy.

The ISPRA DG Maria Siclari is participating in the conference.

Italy Mission 2021-2026 - PNRR of Municipalities and Cities
Italy Mission 2021-2026 - PNRR of Municipalities and Cities
Jul 05, 2023 — Jul 06, 2023 Rome, Centro Congressi "La -Nuvola"

“Italy boasts one of the highest circularity rates in Europe: 18.4% of materials return to the production system, as secondary raw material - said ISPRA President Stefano Laporta - to do even more, we have to improve the quality of differentiated waste collection also through a location of the collection centers that makes them more easily usable by citizens".
"With its data, ISPRA is at the forefront to support MASE and the Municipalities in implementing the interventions of the PNRR on the circular economy" recalled President Laporta who spoke today at the Congress Center - La Nuvola at the event organized by Anci " Italy Mission 2021-2026 - PNRR of Municipalities and Cities"

National conference EcoForum - X edition
National conference EcoForum - X edition
Jul 04, 2023 — Jul 05, 2023 Rome, Hotel Quirinale, Via Nazionale 7

Legambiente, Nuova Ecologia and Kyoto Club, in collaboration with Conai and Conou, with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, will organize the X edition of EcoForum, the national conference on the circular economy.
The two-day EcoForum is divided into five sessions: Circular economy, European policies and national challenges; The national waste management plan and PNRR; The plant network to challenge the European objectives; The circular economy supply chains; GPP in Italy: the picture of the green procurement observatory.

Economic, environmental and territorial benefits of the paper and cardboard projects included in the PNRR
Economic, environmental and territorial benefits of the paper and cardboard projects included in the PNRR
Jun 27, 2023 10:00 AM — Jun 27, 2023 01:00 PM Rome, Chamber of Deputy/Streaming live

There are 70 paper and cardboard projects eligible for funding with the 130 million euro of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). These are investments aimed at the creation of highly innovative projects for collection, treatment and recycling

Waste  from e-commerce, presentation of the results of the program agreement between Mase, Amazon and consortia
Waste from e-commerce, presentation of the results of the program agreement between Mase, Amazon and consortia
Jun 14, 2023 11:00 AM — Jun 14, 2023 12:00 PM Rome, Auditorium MASE

The first results of the program agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Amazon Services Europe Sarl and the Erp Italia, Erion Weee, Erion Energy consortia for testing an Extended Producer Responsibility model for online marketplaces, with specific reference to WEEE - the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment sector - will be presented on Wednesday 14 June 2023, at 11.00, during a press conference.

Green Book 2023 presentation
Green Book 2023 presentation
Jun 05, 2023 02:30 PM — Jun 05, 2023 05:00 PM Roma, Palazzo Merulana

Data on urban waste management in Italy
The 2023 edition offers the usual overview of the context that ranges from regulatory aspects to tariffs, up to investments in the sector, and includes an updated examination of the tender documentation. A specific focus is dedicated to the circularity of resources with insights into current issues such as critical raw materials and specifications.

The virtuous territory creates new relationships for the common good
The virtuous territory creates new relationships for the common good
May 05, 2023 10:00 AM — May 05, 2023 12:30 PM Tivoli

Ecological Cities for Collection, Recycling, Waste Reduction
The focus of the event takes up one of the sustainable objectives of the 2030 Agenda, SDG 11, which aims at transforming urban centers into sustainable cities through the enhancement of territories, starting from the cultural promotion of new relationships between citizens and progress of the polis, up to the access of the entire population to essential services, but above all to the ecological transition, an objective that can be achieved through the reduction of negative impacts on the environment, the optimization of waste management, the enhancement of green areas and public spaces safe and inclusive, with care for the commons and specific attention paid to the urban suburbs.

ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium
ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium
May 03, 2023 — May 05, 2023 Napoli, Stazione marittima

From 3 to 5 may, in the Stazione marittima of Napoli, it will be held the Green Med Symposium, 3 days to talk about circular economy, emissions, drought and instability, soil regeneration and protection, sustainable agriculture. During the event, for the year consecutively, ISPRA will propose training courses addressed to expert, officials of Public Administrations and companies.

A district will be set up in which the experts will meet the schools and transfer to the youngest all they need to know to live in harmony with the environment.