Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Not only pollinosis. Pollen and food: the oral allergy syndrome. March 21st

Mar 21, 2013 from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM
VII National Day of Pollen During the VII National Day of Pollen, AIA, in collaboration with Fondazione Minoprio, ISPRA and Federasma, organizes the conference "Not only pollinosis. Pollen and food: the oral allergy syndrome" to describe the interactions between pollen and certain proteins that are also present in many vegetal foods and honey,  that bees produce starting from the nectar of flowers.

The conservation of the landscape in Italy: a priority for the development

Mar 06, 2013 from 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM Rome,
Conference on "Guidelines for the evaluation of the hydrogeological disorder and mitigation by means of measures and actions in the field of agriculture and forestry. Italy is one of the European countries with the highest predisposition to instability, due to the peculiar geological, morphological and use of its territories. The conference, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, is organized by ISPRA and AGEA to relaunch and connect the themes of risk mitigation, protection and maintenance of mountain-hilly territories, as well as the sustainability and environmental quality of agricultural, pastoral and forestry activities.