Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



7th Biannual ECOtoxicology MEeting (BECOME 2016) Managing aquatic and terrestrial environments: an ecotoxicological perspective

Nov 22, 2016 09:30 AM to Nov 24, 2016 06:00 PM Livorno,
ISPRA, with the collaboration and support of CNR, Universities, research consortia, Environmental  Protection Agencies and private companies, promotes, every two years since 2006, the Biannual ECOtoxicology MEetings. T his 7th edition will be held in Livorno from 22 to 24 November 2016. Focus group and presentation of scientific works (posters and communications) on issues referred to the first announcement will be an opportunity to propose new research and promote the role of ecotoxicology in environmental management.

5th National Conference on the implementation of REACH

Nov 16, 2016 from 08:45 AM to 05:00 PM Roma, Ministero della Salute, Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 ,
The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, the Ministry of Economic Development, the National Institute of Health - National Center for Chemical Substances and the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, organizes the 5th National Conference on the implementation of the REACH Regulation. Ten years after the adoption of REACH, the National Conference will take stock of what has been done until now, to share best practices and experiences useful to companies that are preparing for the 2018 deadline for the registration of the substances manufactured and imported into the European Community, to ensure the goals of prevention and health protection, environment protection and sustainable development. The Conference will also address the emerging issue of the relationship between the management of chemical substances and circular economy.

The particle size analysis of marine sediments

Nov 17, 2016 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Roma, Auditorium MATTM,
The results of  I circuit of intercalibration for particle size analysis The particle size characteristics of sediments and rheir distribution are among the key factors in sedimentology and the assessment ofpotential contamination of  marine-coastal areas due to human impact, but despite that common methodologies have not still been defined. During the event will faced this topic and how to compare different parametres.

National Table coastal erosion

Nov 08, 2016 from 02:00 PM to 04:45 PM Rimini, c/o Ecomondo 2016,
Rimini, 8 November The Ministry of Environment, signed last 6 April, with all Italian Regions close the coasts a Memorandum of Understanding for the drafting of the national guidelines for the coasts protection from erosion and climate change effects.The Guidelines develop the possible rebalancing solutions, protection or adaptation for the coast and are the result of work with the scientific community that has provided the most recent knowledge and best possible technologies. With that Memorandum was established the National Table on coastal erosions to address the issue in a coordinated strategy and to find common standard procedures for sustainable coastal management at the national level.