Exposure to noise, particularly caused by road traffic, is a major environmental problem in Europe, affecting millions of people and causing significant public health effects. It is estimated that 113 million people are exposed to long-term day-evening-night traffic noise levels of at least 55 dB(A), based on Environmental Noise Directive implementation data.
The World Environment Day is dedicated to the serious decline of biodiversity in the Planet. About a million of species (on a total of 8.7 million estimated by scientist) are threatened by extinction Biodiversity crisis also put in danger the provision of eco-systems services, from food to wood, from water to medicines, from climate regulation to soil erosion control, from recreational to cultural values. The food security, well-being and prosperity of the human community is endangered if no action is taken to reverse the biodiversity crisis. The slogan chosen for the edition 2020 is “Time for Nature” and to celebrate this important day, Ispra is organizing a round table where have been invited the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Sergio Costa, and the Ministry of agriculture, food and forestry policies Teresa Bellanova, together with ISPRA management and other experts of various Institutions. Ispra, with this initiative, which comes a few days after the issue of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, in the frame of the UN Global Agreement on Biodiversity, which must be approved at the summit UN that will take place in Kunming (China) in 2021, aims to aims to raise citizens global awareness and stimulate dialogue between the competent authorities and stakeholders on the paths to follow to achieve the EU Strategy and the UN Agreement targets
Invasive alien species are organisms introduced by man, accidentally or voluntarily, outside their area of origin, which settle in nature and cause impacts on the environment and human life. Invasive alien species threaten the existence of many species and ecosystems, like habitat destruction, and have an estimated social and economic impact of several tens of billions of euros each year in the European Union alone. In Italy there are more than 3,000 alien species, of which about 15% invasive, with an increase of 96% in the last 30 years.
The Project Western Mediterranean Region Marine Oil and HNS Pollution Cooperation (West MOPoCo) supports the main Institution of Western Mediterranean (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and European (France, Italy, Malta, Spain) that are in charge in the field of preparedness for and response to oil and Highly Noxious Substances (HNS) marine pollution and in improving the quality and interoperability of their response capacities.The initiative, promoted by the UNEP-IMO Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Center for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), has as main objective to strengthen international collaborations and cooperations on the subject.
The next 3 June, in video streaming with the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte, and David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, will be presented the three reports dedicated to the environmental situation in Europe and in Italy: the SOER 2020 (State of the Environment Report), the Environmental Data Yearbook 2019 which shows the state of the environment in Italy and the System Report which presents regional experiences. Watch streaming live: ISPRA TV (double channel in English and Italian) Facebook page Ispra (speaker' native language) Youtube Ispra (only in italian)