Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Testing the effectiveness of the NAP measures for the biodiversity protection

Dec 16, 2020 to Dec 17, 2020
The results of the project funded by the MATTM and carried out in cooperation with ARPA Lazio (year 2015-2016), ARPA Piemonte (year 2015, 2018-2020), University of Rome Tor Vergata will be presented during a conference on 16 and 17 December 2020. (DIBIOS Department), University of Turin (DBIOS and DISAFA Departments). The project aims to test the measures of the National Action Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products (PAN) intended for the protection of biodiversity, to be implemented, especially in protected areas, Natura 2000 sites and Ramsar areas. Streaming Live

The fuels monitoring system: the reports of ISPRA

Nov 16, 2020 from 08:45 AM to 01:30 PM Webinar,
The seminar: "The fuels monitoring system: the reports of ISPRA", planned for the 16 November, aims to focus on the Ispra activities in compliance with the specific law concerning the monitoring of the liquid fuel quality.

Ceremony of the EMAS Ecolabel 2020 Award

Nov 24, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Evento on line,
The Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee and ISPRA, also in this year very difficult aims to give recognition and visibility to certified organizations by rewarding those that have best interpreted and applied the principles of the EMAS scheme and the EU Ecolabel. The awards ceremony will take place on November 24 in live streaming with the participation of the Minister of the Environment, Land and of Sea, General Sergio Costa. Live streaming

Sixth day of Geology and History - Geological landscape and natural risks in the art history

Nov 18, 2020 Evento on line,
The Department for the Geological Service of Italy - ISPRA, the SIGEA (Italian Society of Environmental Geology) and the Italian Geographic Society will organize a study day on "Geological landscapes and natural hazards in the art history". This event is the sixth of the "Study Days of Geology and History" cycle, appointments to analyze the state of knowledge concerning the importance of historical, artistic and cartographic sources for the study of geological phenomena and natural catastrophic events.

General States of Urban Green - VI edition

Nov 23, 2020 to Nov 24, 2020 Online event,
General states of urban green is an event promoted by the Committee for the development of public green set up at the Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea under the law 10/2013. Now in its sixth edition, the General States is an opportunity to analyze with the protagonists of politics, science, economics, arts, law, and other social sciences the role of green in the cities. The central event will take place on 23 November on a day divided into four sessions organized by the Committee for the development of public green spaces, which will be attended by representatives of public institutions and the private world. The ISPRA President Stefano Laporta is participating in the first sesssion. Programme Streaming first session Facebook ISPRA

ISPRA protagonist of the European Researchers Night

Nov 23, 2020 to Nov 27, 2020 Online event,
Stefano Laporta, President of the National Council of public research bodies presidents, invites the public to participate at the European Researchers Night.  Watch the video After the scientific Trekking, the aperitifs with the researchers, the nights of science, the "European Researchers' Night" is coming close and will be held on November 27 in Italy and the whole Europe. On the occasion of the week of the Night (23-27 November) the NET and ScienzaInsieme researchers will organize a virtual tours of the laboratories, the digital treasure hunt “Let's save the PiaNETa!”. And on November 27 from 7.00 pm the Night lands on RAIPLAY: ISPRA researchers will be the protagonists of the NET TALK!  On RAIPLAY a playlist with talks on key research topics including climate change, the challenge of the pandemic, discoveries in space, invasive alien species and the circular economy future.

Presentation of the Report ReNDis 2020

Nov 23, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
Soil protection in 20 years of Ispra monitoring on the actions to mitigate the hydrological risks.  The 23 November Ispra will present the Report Repertory of mitigation measures for National Soil Protection (Rendis) produced to illustrate the activities, the issues and the results achieved with the monitoring interventions that Ispra has been doing since 2000 on behalf of the Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea.  The Workshop will also be an opportunity to compare opinions, experiences and proposals of the various institutional subjects who are involved in the planning, implementation and monitoring of interventions, and to analyze the future prospects and possible further areas to contrast, mitigate and prevent the hydrogeological risk. Press release (ita) Programme Video Rendis

The words of the violence

Nov 26, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 12:15 PM
The CUG ISPRA, in the occasion on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women has organized the following webinar: "The words of violence". During the meeting will faced the language sexist topic: worlds that represent a moral condemn against women. A path in which the woman seems complicit and conniving, in which violence is narrated as inevitable and the man's violent reaction "sounds almost like justification" as if to divert attention from the crime which, unfortunately, is often the point of arrival and which has a specific name: femicide.

LIFE Sic2Sic “Biodiversity and green economy" - Final Conference

Nov 27, 2020 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM
The report on the results of the LIFE SIC2SIC project becomes an opportunity to face some of the fundamental challenges for the future. The new strategy for biodiversity at national and European level will be the reference framework to the issue of sustainable mobility and the economic and employment value of a territorial development with a strong environmental content.