Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Beyond economic growth for the protection of biodiversity and food resilience

Nov 05, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
An article published in 2021 by the European Environment Agency (EEA), entitled " Growth without economic growth " will be the focus of a seminar that ISPRA organizes for November 5, 2021. The article, published in Narratives for Change, a series of analyzes and prospective studies on the factors of change and transition, to explore alternative ideas on growth and progress, with the aim of broadening the debate on sustainability.

Webinar "Advanced Noise Control strategies in HarbOuR (ANCHOR) - LIFE "

Nov 08, 2021 Online event,
Developing participation through a Smart Port Noise Monitoring System The main target of i  ANCHOR LIFE  is to make aware and communicate the noise pollution topic coming from harbors towards the public administration and the land management responsible, the port authorities, the companies involved in the port's activities and the citizens that live close to port cities.

Climate trend in Italy

Nov 10, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM
On 10 November, the state and trend of the climate in Italy will be illustrated. During the event, the results of the latest report "Climate indicators in Italy", which reached its 16th edition in 2021, will be presented. The report, which describes the climate trend in 2020 and updates the estimate of climatic variations in recent decades in Italy, is largely based on climate data and indicators developed through the National System for the collection, processing and dissemination of Climatological Data of Environmental Interest ( SCIA ), developed by ISPRA and fed in collaboration with the ARPAs and other bodies that own the main observation networks present on the national territory.

Presentation of the ISPRA Report on hazard conditions of flood in Italy and associated risk indicators

Nov 16, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
On November 16, 2021, the Workshop for the presentation of "The Report on hazard conditions of flood in Italy and associated risk indicators" will be held by ISPRA with data on floodable areas updated to 2020. The Workshop will be an opportunity to illustrate the activities carried out for the purposes of assessing and managing the risk of floods by District Basin Authorities, Regions and Autonomous Provinces with the coordination and technical support of the MiTE, ISPRA and DPC. During the Workshop, in addition to the Report, some of the activities developed by the MiTE, the DPC and the District Basin Authorities will be illustrated in the path towards the definition of the new Flood Risk Management Plan 2021. Program Press release (ita) Streaming  chanel Youtube ISPRA Report on flood hazard conditions in Italy and associated risk indicators

Carta of Nature to improve knowledge, protect and plan

Nov 18, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Online event,
Carta della Natura  is a national project whose products constitute a technical tool of knowledge useful for the management of the territory. These are cartographic and evaluative products on Italian ecosystems and terrestrial habitats, inserted in a Territorial Information System of public utility. The aim of the webinar is to share experiences and to highlight how this tool, designed at the time of Law 394/91 to support the system of protected areas Program Streaming on  Youtube ISPRA Press release (ita) Carta della Natura (Map of Nature) of the Emilia-Romagna Region: habitat cartography and assessment at 1:25,000 scale Format request data Video Carta della Natura

International day against violence against women

Nov 25, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
A look from the past towards actions and proposals for new paths to non-violence On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day against Violence against Women on 25 November, the ISPRA Single Guarantee Committee proposes a day aimed at raising institutional and social awareness of this delicate collective issue that concerns us all. This year the CUG ISPRA has turned the focus of the interventions considering various points of view from the historical-anthropological, passing through psychological-social and evolutionary aspects.. Finally, the vision of a short film interpreted by actors who, through the idea and the creation of the director, were able to offer us their unprecedented film contribution. Program