Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



National Pollen Day 2022

Mar 21, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
Next March 21, on the occasion of the 15th edition of the National Pollen Day, ISPRA and the Italian Association of Aerobiology and Environment (AIA) will present the seminar "Aerobiological monitoring towards the return to normality". The day, organized in collaboration with the Palynology Group of the Italian Botanical Society and the POLLnet-SNPA thematic network, aims to promote aerobiology in the study of environmental issues related to the interpretation of allergic disease. Program

Soil Festival

Mar 09, 2022 to Mar 11, 2022 Online event,
The Soil Festival will be held on 9-10-11 March. Three days dedicated to soil, a precious, primary and exhaustible asset, organized by Cia, in cooperation with Crea, Ersaf, ISPRA and Legambiente, as part of the Soil4Life project. The Festival will be hosted by a virtual square accessible at  where theatrical performances, concerts, videos and documentaries will be available and it will be possible to participate in presentations and  live events. Press release (ita) Some important events that involves ISPRA are:  ISPRA documentary "How is the soil" which will be available from 9 March at the link Soil is life, how can be protected?  10  march,  11:30 Final seminar  11  march,  9:30

Final meeting of the project LIFE SE POSSO "Posidonia...and not only"

Mar 15, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Rome, Auditorium della Tecnica – Via Umberto Tupini, 65,
A conference talk show to talk about marine governance, Posidonia oceanica meadows to be protected and recovered, anthropogenic impacts on these protected habitats, good practices to be replicated in the Mediterranean, transparency and participation in the protection of our marine natural capital. Marine forests, blue carbon and Citizen science will also be discussed. European and national institutional authorities will participate, the main Stakeholders involved in the project, the research projects with which Life SEPOSSO has carried out a wide and heterogeneous networking activity. The event will be moderate by Fabio Gallo of Linea Blu Tv show. Program Streaming live  channel YouTube ISPRA  Further information:

Presentation of the EcoAtl@nte

Mar 01, 2022 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Finally a unique single point of access to Italian environmental data, also accompanied by stories, photos and interactive maps: ISPRA presents the EcoAtlante, the journey into the Italian environment that allows you to discover and share the highly topical issues that affect our country today . An absolute news: the possibility of creating customized national and local maps with data, trends and SNPA percentages from the various themes. During the presentation, the operation and the different ways of sharing maps and data will be illustrated. Come and compose your map! Program EcoAtl@nte Program Press release (ita)  Video EcoAtl@nte Interview with Michele Munafò Follow the event on  Zoom ID riunione: 871 1235 3246 Passcode: 850048

Presentation of the Report Landslides and floods in Italy. Edition 2021

Mar 07, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Webinar,
Next 7th March ISPRA is presenting the third edtion of the Report hydrogeological instability in Italy: Danger and risk indicators - edition 2021. The report provides updated data on the danger from landslides and floods throughout the country, coastal erosion and risk indicators relating to population, families, buildings, businesses and cultural heritage. The event will be broadcast on the Youtube channel  ISPRAVIDEO Streaming . Program Press release (ita) Landslides and floods in Italy: hazard and risk indicators – 2021 Edition Infographic Executive summary IdroGEO platform National maps of landslide and flood hazard - Open data Presentation "Le frane". A. Trigila, C. Iadanza - ISPRA Presentation "Erosione costiera in Italia" - A. Barbano - ISPRA Presentation "Le alluvioni" - B. Lastoria - ISPRA