Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


February project - final event

Feb 24, 2023 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM Porto Torres Sede del Parco dell’Asinara/Online,
The project   (Monitoring, census ,  removal and recycling of ghost nets: fishermen as key players in the safeguard of the sea)  lasting 18 months and with a partnership of five entities, it was financed by the EMFF 2014/2020 following the Call of the Sardegna region for the implementation of Measure 1.40 art. 40, par.1, lett. a) of Reg. (EU) no. 508/2014 Call 2018. MoRinet's objective is the conservation of marine habitats in two pilot areas of Sardegna  through actions involving the removal of marine litter and lost fishing gear, actively involving fishermen. From the point of view of the Circular Economy, the polyethylene waste collected, if suitable, is sent to the recycling and valorisation process. The final event is dedicated to illustrating the results of the project and to an exchange of experience with other projects dealing with similar issues in order to compare best practices and trace new development perspectives in relation to the marine litter problem Program Press release (ita)

Discover and protecting the sea for a true blue economy

Feb 28, 2023 from 05:30 PM to 07:00 PM
The Italian seas occupy a fundamental place in the conservation and protection of biodiversity, energy production and fish resources consumed in our country. ISPRA performs the role of technical-scientific coordination of the national system for monitoring and assessing the state of health of marine ecosystems envisaged by the Framework Directive on Marine Strategy 2008/56/EC, with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security as the Authority Qualified. The monitoring carried out in the last 10 years (ISPRA-ARPA, EPR, University) has highlighted important knowledge gaps and the need to intervene to reverse the degradation of marine ecosystems with large-scale restoration actions. The PNRR MER - Marine Ecosystem Restoration project sees ISPRA as the implementing entity and MASE as the administration of the 400 million euro loan for 2022-2026. The MER envisages interventions for the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the strengthening of the national system of observation of marine and coastal ecosystems with the acquisition of a new major oceanographic naval unit as well as the mapping of coastal and marine habitats of interest conservation in Italian wate Program Photo gallery

Let's recover the nets lost at sea!!

Feb 11, 2023 from 05:30 PM Castelsardo, Sala Conferenze Rete di Imprese “Il Crostaceo”,
The Strong Sea project and its staff thank the fishermen for their contribution in reporting missing fishing gear. We are happy to meet them on 11 February in Castelsardo to show, with the videos made during the identification and removal of the fishing gear they reported, how important their contribution has been to the protection of the marine environment.

Sinkholes and underground cavities: perspectives of scientific research towards the drafting of Guidelines

Feb 02, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM Roma, Villa Celimontana/Diretta streaming,
The conference entitled: "Sinkholes and underground cavities: perspectives of scientific research towards the drafting of Guidelines" will be held in Rome on 2 February. The topic of the study day are the sinkholes, both natural and anthropogenic, which suddenly open up in urban areas but also in rural environments. The problems still connected to the study of these phenomena will be exposed, as well as the difficulties in carrying out an effective territorial analysis in order to estimate the danger and the risk induced by the phenomenon. The results relating to the three-year   project Moscas  (Models and tools for the characterization of underground cavities) will be presented (funded by MITE, implemented by ISPRA, the University of Florence and the Federico II University of Naples) and will focus study areas investigated within the project.

Conference "RaStEM: a support tool for the planning of soil protection interventions"

Feb 15, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM Centro congressi “Roma Eventi – Fontana di Trevi”, Sala Loyola (Auditorium), Piazza della Pilotta, 4 Roma,
RaStEM - Standardized Representation of Mitigation Effects is a WEB GIS tool developed by ISPRA with the dual purpose of guiding planners to a homogeneous representation of the significant elements of a hydrogeological risk mitigation intervention and supporting them in drawing up projects consistent with the established criteria by current legislation (DPCM 09/27/2021) for their funding by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security - MASE. ISPRA has organized a conference, which will be held face-to-face, in which the Guidelines containing the methodological criteria and some exemplifying cases of use of RaStEM will be presented. Further implementations of the RaStEM application will be carried out with PNRR resources of the GeoScienceIR project funded by the MUR Registration is required to participate in the conference. Program RaStEM: a tool to support planning and design of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures Photo gallery