Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



GET ON BOARD WITH THE RESEARCHERS - The Citizen Science campaign to monitor cetaceans, turtles and marine litter of the European Life Project CONCEPTU MARIS is started

May 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Rome, sede ISPRA, sala Conferenze, Via V. Brancati, 48,
The Life Conceptu Maris (CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability) project is preparing to start the citizen science phase: citizens, professionals and students will be invited to board the ferries to contribute monitoring alongside ISPRA researchers. The recruitment starts from ISPRA colleagues operating on other activities who will want to experience how monitoring data of megafauna and sea turtles from ferries are collected.

Meeting for the presentation of the Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat – LIFE STREAMS Az. E.1.2.

May 16, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Sulmona (AQ), National Park of Maiella, Badia Morronese, via Badia 28,
Next 16 may there will be the first meeting of the Project  LIFE STREAMS ,   financed by the European Community, whose main objective is  the recovery and conservation of populations of native Mediterranean trout. The meeting aims to present presentation of the proposed Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat, implemented within the Action C.5 of the project. The meeting will take place from 10 to 13 at the headquarters of the Maiella National Park Authority in Sulmona (AQ), in presence and online. The meeting - which will be attended by stakeholders from scientific and environmentalist associations - launches the public consultation phase on the Guidelines, which provide for the conservation measures proposed in particular to the bodies managing Natura 2000 sites and protected natural areas, to the Regions and River District Authority. The Guidelines include indications for the conservation of the species even outside the protected areas and, in particular, concerning sport fishing.

The return of the Italian grey partridge

May 04, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
On 4 May in the Conference Room of the Museum of Zoology in Rome, ISPRA will present the first Workshop of the LIFE Perdix project. The project is co-financed by the European Union and has as its main objective the recovery and reintroduction into the wild of the Italian partridge (Perdix perdix italica Hilheimer, 1917), today considered formally extinct in the wild. Geographically, the chosen reintroduction area is the SPA IT4060008 "Valle del Mezzano", in the province of Ferrara. The project has a duration of 6 years and sees ISPRA as coordinator partner, and the collaboration of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-Food Unit Command, the Italian Hunting Federation, the Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs, Legambiente and the Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Regional Park and the National body for Italian Cinofilia which supports the project as a co-financer. The recovery of the Italian Partridge will take place thanks to the genetic selection activity carried out by ISPRA on a stock of Apennine origin, comparing it with historical museum samples, prior to the introduction of individuals from other countries for restocking purposes. Program

XV National Mining Day - Edition 2023

May 27, 2023 to May 28, 2023
The National Mining Day, promoted to spread the value and cultural significance of mining tourism, has reached its 15th edition this year, recording growing interest throughout the country. The initiative, organized by  REMI ,  ISPRA-SNPA ,  AIPAI ,  ANIM ,  ASSORISORSE , G&T with the sponsorship:  Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi ,  EuroGeoSurveys ,  Sigea  e  Primavera della Mobilità dolce  includes the organization of dedicated events throughout the country and the creation of a "national calendar" with all the initiatives promoted by the Sites/Museums and Mining Parks. Brochure Registration form of the initiatives List of the initiatives

Presentation "Atlas of Environmental Data "

May 03, 2023 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM Napoli, Stazione marittima,
As part of the Green Med Symposium, ISPRA presents a new publication which, thanks to maps, graphs and tables, will allow you to visualize the geographical distribution of the main environmental information. Five thematic sections - geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and anthroposphere - to raise awareness of future challenges and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals, thanks to accurate and up-to-date scientific information. The aim is to provide scientific information on soil, water, biodiversity, air, climate, waste, energy and the environmental impacts of human activities and, at the same time, to help raise awareness of environmental challenges. The Atlas of environmental data integrates the  EcoAtlante , the portal developed by ISPRA which offers a series of interactive cartographic paths useful for exploring the environmental data collected and cataloged in the National Environmental Information System, in line with the database of the  Yearbook of environmental data ,  Yearbook of environmental data, which in line with the main national and international inter-thematic core sets, makes available over 300 statistical indicators on the state of the environment in Italy. Further information Atlas of environmental data

Development of tools derived from Copernicus products for monitoring bathing water and shellfish farming and interaction with stakeholders

May 04, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM
Natural resources in marine-coastal areas are often exploited to support human activities. To optimize the use of resources and manage them in a sustainable manner, careful monitoring of the parameters of the marine environment is necessary. This FPCUP action has as its object the development of integrated monitoring products to support bathing and shellfish farming activities which can be negatively influenced by anthropic factors, such as spills into the sea with bacterial contamination of the environment (e.g. discharges from treatment plants urban waste water, collection of run-off water on agricultural or pasture land) and consequent risks for human health and the environment.

The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today

May 13, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Civitavecchia e Tarquinia (VT), Monumento Naturale La Frasca, Via Sparterro Melchiorri - Strada della Torre Valdaliga,
As part of the side events organized for the European Researchers' Night 2023 which this year will take place on 29 September, ISPRA, on Saturday 13 May, will organize the following excursion: "The natural monument La Frasca: the evolution of the environment from the Pleistocene to today".

Summer school workshop Action 2020-2-21: Copernicus for cultural heritage

Jun 13, 2023 to Jun 16, 2023 Rome, Sala Conferenze della Cartiera Latina - via Appia Antica 42/ Online,
The Copernicus for Cultural Heritage Summer school – Workshops is the first of a cycle of three schools (the second in July in Germany and the third in September in Cyprus), funded under the Framework Partnership Agreement for Copernicus User Uptake programme. The Rome school organized by ISPRA aims to present methodologies, provide examples and case studies of data, products and services based on earth observation and applied to the monitoring and protection of the natural and cultural heritage threatened by natural and anthropogenic induced by climate change.

Meeting for the presentation of the Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat – LIFE STREAMS Az. E.1.2.

Jun 06, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Centro Visita del Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna - Bagno di Romagna (FC), Palazzo del Capitano, via Fiorentina 38,
The second meeting of the LIFE STREAMS Project will take place on 6 June, for the presentation of the proposal for Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat. The meeting will take place at the headquarters of the Visitor Center of the Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna National Park - Bagno di Romagna (FC). The meeting - which will be attended by the representatives of institutions, scientific, environmental and fishing associations - launches the public consultation phase on the Guidelines, which provide for the conservation measures proposed in particular to the managing bodies of Natura 2000 sites and protected natural areas , the Regions and the Hydrographic District Authorities. The Guidelines include indications for the conservation of the species even outside the protected areas and, in particular, concerning sport fishing.

Presentation of the Guide "Landslides of Italy"

Jun 05, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Rome - Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana, via della navicella 12,
The presentation of the "FRANE D'ITALIA" GUIDE edited by the Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA) will be held on June 5 in Rome with the contribution of over 130 authors, from the university and professional worlds, from research institutions and from those of the local area. The volume aims to be a modern tool for understanding the Italian territory and one of its main sources of geological hazards: landslides.

The alien species in our seas

May 31, 2023 from 09:30 PM Lega Navale Italiana di Palermo, Via Marinai Alliata, 4 c,
Researchers and citizens together: the case of the upside-down jellyfish ( Cassiopea xamachana)  studied in collaboration with the Italian Naval League of Palermo Researchers and sea enthusiasts meet to share knowledge and experiences on alien species, highlighting the role of citizens in supporting science. It will be an opportunity to talk together about the upside-down jellyfish, especially from the Red Sea that has invaded the small tourist port of Cala, and about the studies conducted thanks to the support of the Italian Naval League of Palermo.