Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Study day on deforestation and forest degradation


Rome, 20 November, ISPRA'w Auditorium , via Curtatone 7

A study day will be held on 20 November 2009 at ISPRA Auditorium, via Curtatone 7, Rome, beginning at 9:00, during the presentation of ISPRA's Report "Deforestation and forest degradation. The responses of the Italian forest-wood system". The publication was the result of a collaboration between ISPRA and the University of Padova.
The study day will address the issue of global deforestation and forest degradation (dimensions of the phenomena, causes and consequences), responsibilities and responses of the forest-wood system, and the possible solutions and critical areas of intervention.

A panel discussion will take place during the event, beginning at 11:00 am, moderated by a journalist and including representatives from the Italian institutions, NGOs and industry (Federlegno and Assocarta), to discuss the implementation of supranational and intergovernmental agreements on the subject (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade, Due Diligence, etc.). The panel discussion will also address the integration and coordination between sectoral policies to combat the phenomena, the promotion of forms of partnership and of public-private collaboration, green purchasing by the government (which was launched on 12 October 2009 by a decree of the Minister of the Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo).