Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Workshop on the sailing ship "Signora del Vento" - ISPRA: "Sea protection and development"

Moored on the quayside of the Old Port of Civitavecchia the sailing ship Lady of the Wind, will host on July 24 at 6 pm the workshop organized by ISPRA, entitled "THE OTHER FACE OF THE SEA." During the event "I miti del mare 2009" (The myths of the sea 2009), still ongoing until July 26 at the Old Port of Civitavecchia, institutional meetings will take place, addressing the issue of the protection of the sea. The workshop organized by ISPRA includes a debate on the protection, monitoring and rehabilitation of marine environments, extensively illustrated and commented through the showing of the documentary video "L'altra faccia del mare" (The other face of the sea).

Civitavecchia, July 24

The debate will be moderate by the journalist Tessa Gelisio, anchorwoman of the tv show "Pianeta Mare". Among the partecipants, ISPRA Sub Commissioner Stefano Laporta, Massimo Gabellini, Head of ISPRA Department for the Prevention and Mitigation of Impacts, Andrea Ferrante (Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport), Prof. Eugenio Fresi (Department of Animal Biology of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"), Roberta Angelini (ENI), Fabio Ciani, President of the Portal Authority of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta. The video entitled "L'altra faccia del mare" (The other side of the sea), illustrates the potential anthropogenic impacts on the Mediterranean Sea. It aims to describe the extensive research, monitoring and control activities carried aout by ISPRA to systematically observe the coastal marine environment in order to prevent, where possible, long-lasting impacts. Scientists and institutions will discuss the themes proposed in the video.
There are many factors that threatens the Mediterranean Sea. The phenomena of intense anthropization represents a risk for the biodiversity conservation: each day the waters of the Mediterranean are crossed, for example, by thousand of ships carrying chemicals or oils, about 8 million barrels a day, and the annual percentage of accidents with the consequent dispersion of pollutants, involves several researchers in the execution of plans for the remediation, risk prevention or monitoring plans aiming at studying, for example, the effects due to the discharge into the sea of the water released from the offshore platforms  or the potential impact of the other activities carried out in the sea.
The workshop addresses the delicate issues: ports, the replenishment of coastal areas subject to erosion, the environmental assessments for the laying of cables and pipelines on the seabed, the reclamation of sites of national interest.