Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


SOS Dune. State, problems, interventions, management


Rome, October 23, Auditorium Ispra, Via Curtatone 7 The conference is organized by the Defense of Nature Department - Parks and Regional Planning of the ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and the Coordination of the Scientific and Technical Associations for the Environment and Landscape, CATAP. Under discussion: the current situation of the remaining Italians dune systems, related with erosion, anthropization and geoenvironmental risks; presentation of works carried out in Italy, proposals and suggestions for the rational environmental management, for prediction, prevention and mitigation of impacts on sandy coast. It will be explained the SARA database (system of agencies and environmental restore) realized by ISPRA, a database on Italian native species.
During the event it will be presented and distributed the ISPRA Technical report on the restoration of coastal marine ecosystems and the defence of sandy protected areas: "Il ripristino degli ecosistemi marino costieri e la difesa delle coste sabbiose nelle Aree protette".