Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The biological invasions, a global issue that involves also Trentino


Trento, 6 April 2011, 8,45 pm - Museo Tridentino di Scienze naturali, Aula Magna

Locandina - Cliccare per ingrandire l'immagineA seminar will be held in Trento addressing the biological invasions. ISPRA's expert dr. Piero Genovesi, will give a talk on what is considered a serious threat to biodiversity. The phenomenon of biological invasions is affecting not only the native species, but also the same ecosystem on which we depend for our well-being. The displacement caused by man of species outside their natural environment is an old phenomenon, but in recent decades its speed has accelerated exponentially. Invasive species are now the first factor of extinction in the world, and only in Europe cause economic losses for more than 12 billion Euro a year, besides causing significant health impacts. Italy is particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon as since 1500 there were introduced in more than 2000 non-native species, half plant and half animal, which invaded all the environments, from land to freshwater, and marine areas. To respond to this threat it is necessary to adopt coordinated policies for the prevention of unwanted arrivals, early warning and rapid response to new incursions, and for the effective management of species already introduced in our territories. Europe is working on a new directive on this matter, and the seminar will discuss the guidelines adopted at the Italian, European and international level.