Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Evaluation system hydromorphological, analysis and monitoring of water courses - IDRAIM

5 edition national training course

Bolzano, July 11-15 2011

The Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research, with the logistic support of the Free University of Bolzano and the collaboration of APPA Bolzano, organizes the fifth training course on the method of analysis and assessment of the state of rivers hydromorphological (IDRAIM), established as a method within the national Ministerial Decree 260/2010 on the classification of water bodies. The course will be held in Bolzano in the week from 11 to 15 July 2011 and provides moments in class teaching and visits on the river stretches to the application of the method, as shown in the attached program. This edition of the course will not have charges for registration, the travel expenses (travel, transport, accommodation and meals) will be in charge of the participants. To register for the course should fill in the form attached and send e-mail address: , along with a brief curriculum vitae by June 15 pv

The organization will ensure the selection of participants and the outcomes to those who have requested it, the e-mail addresses listed on the registration form (Appendix 1).