Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


REACH Regulation

Third National Conference

Rome, 14 November, Casa dell'Architettura - Piazza Manfredo Fanti, 47

The Ministry of Economic Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, the National Institute of Health-National Center for Chemical Substances and National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, with the support of ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, energy and sustainable Economic Development) is organizing the "Third National Conference on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the registration, evaluation , authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH)".


Video of the Conference




Welcome from the authorities


Session I - The REACH: state of application and future development

Moderator: A. Lapalorcia, Ministry or Enomic Develpment and Member of the Board of  Directors of ECHA


The experience of the application of REACH and the 2012 review 

The actitivies of ECHA and future deadlines for REACH

National activities


Session II - Towards the next deadlines

Moderator: P. Pistolese, Ministry of Health


General network: registration of the substances, communication of the sunstances in the articles and data sharing:

The national experience in the critical aspects management

The EEN network and the REACH nodes on the territory:

Problems of the PMI in the registration of the substances:

Experiences of the industrial associations: actions and critical aspects:

The information exchange: the point of view of the companies involved in the chemical substances trade


Questions and Asnwers by P. Pistolese



Session III – Replacement of the substances and Innovation

Moderator: C. Zaghi, Ministry of the Enviroment


General framework: REACH and innovation

Projects of technological innovation in the chemical sector in Europe

How the chemical companies pursue the sustainable development


Session IV – Activities of assessment and control

Moderator: M. B. Francesconi, Ministry of the Economic Developrment


Assment plan for the registered sunstances

General framework and European projects of supervision

Activity of territory monitoring


Questions and answers


Conclusion and closure of the works