Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Water markets : which roles in the management of irrigation water?


Rome, october 6, ISPRA, Via Curtatone 3 - Sala Fazzini

The water markets are an instrument of water policy based on the definition of user rights on the resource and their  capacity to make business within well-defined groups of users .

This tool is promoted to enable more efficient use of water resources in a context of climate change and increasing restrictions on the use of this resource. 

In Italy lacks an appropriate regulatory basis for the development of water markets, furthermore, the costs, benefits and the real potential of these tools represent a topic of scientific and political debate.

The workshop is part of the activities of the ERA-NET Water Cap & Trade. The project aims to study the possibilities and limits of application of water markets in South Europe.  The workshop will explore the theme, discussing the strengths and limitations of these tools in the Italian context and in a prospective of a long term . The interventions will refer specifically to water management for irrigation, in the overall framework of regulations water resources as a whole


Program draft

Starting workshop  10.00

E. Giusta, D.Viaggi
Opening workshop

M. Raggi
Presentation project Water Cap and Trade

L. Rey
Water market in Spain (english)

D. Viaggi
Input for the discussion: potentiality and application limits in Italian context

Round table 

D. Viaggi

Closing workshop -13.00