Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Techniques of Measurement of high and low frequency electromagnetic fields

Environmental training course

Rome, 8 November 2011 - ISPRA headquarters - via Brancati, 48 (Conference Hall)

The course analyses the basic elements related to the measurement techniques described in the reference standards (CEI 211-6 Italian standards, CEI 211-7 and CEI 211-10). The training day is intended to provide useful information to those who need a basic knowledge to carry out measurements of electromagnetic radiation generated by the main plants at high and low frequency. The initiative is aimed at training a maximum of 60 participants and is addressed to engineers working in the public administration and regional and provincial agencies for environmental protection (ARPA / APPA).
Partecipation to the course is free and includes upon completing a questionnaire to be returned to the following email address
Registration Deadline: October 21, 2011