Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical Guide SME presentation


Rome, October 26 - SPRA - Via Curtatone 3, Sala Fazzini

ISPRA and the Regional Agencies for Environment Protection and Autonomous Provinces, in the logic of the system with which they operate, publish documents that are a synthesis of knowledge of the system in four areas of activity, including that of "monitoring and controls" . In implementing the work plan 2010 - 2012, in the monitoring and controls areas, has just published the "Technical Guide for operators of continuous monitoring of emissions into the atmosphere (EMS)" aims to establish basic criteria for allow the competent Authority for the Managers control and the creation of a shared protocol for the management of the EMS.  The basic instrument of this protocol is the User Management (MG), which should ensure the proper management of data on emissions into the atmosphere, in order to ensure compliance with the limits and maintenance management system EMS. Although the document is created primarily to provide references relating to the application of UNI EN 14181:2005, it can also be used in the case of systems not managed according to this rule. The document is available on the website ISPRA ( in the publications section. Please confirm attendance by e-mail @ anna.deluzi and anticipate the same address the comments submitted for discussion in the afternoon.



Afternoon session