Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Assessment of the impact generated by vibrations from rail transport

Presentation of the WavePrevision forecast software, realized by ISPRA

Rome, 7 December 2011, ISPRA, Via Brancati, 48 - Conference Hall

The seminar aims to present the results of the research project, conducted by Ispra in collaboration with the Sonora S.r.l., on the forecast of vibrational levels generated by means of transport such as traditional rail, high-speed rail and trams. Within this project, funded by the Ministry of Environment, the analysis of the state of the art made it possible to validate the most suitable mathematical models for the description of the propagation of the vibratory phenomenon, specifico for each the analyzed sources. The high reliability achieved has allowed to develop a WavePrevision calculation software, which allows to assess the environmental impact due to the above sources, through the construction of the model of the studied area and numerical simulation of the phenomenon propagation. During the meeting, it will also be showed how to use the WavePrevision software and a trial copy will be provided to participants.