Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental control system : good practices in Italy


Taranto, November 22, Room of Civic Library Pietro Acclavio - Piazza Dante, 8 After the referendum of 1993 on environmental controls, Italy has set up a system of regional and provincial agencies for the protection of the environment. Over the years this network has been structured in a non-homogeneous throughout the country, with some examples of excellence and others with more critical. The work of the Federal Council, in accordance with Ministerial Decree 123/2010, aims to strength the network of agencies also involving the use and sharing of good practices put in place so far in different parts of Italy. The Conference, which partecipate ISPRA, Legambiente and AssoArpa, aims to highlight the best experiences of environmental monitoring to promote replication in other Italian regions with similar problems. The Director General ISPRA, Stephen La Porta, will coordinate the work and the President, Bernardo De Bernardinis, will participate to the Round Table