Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Assessment of flood risks in mountain and application of the "flood" directive


Bolzano, 3-4 May 2012 - Libera Università of Bolzano

After the previous meeting held in June 2011 on the assessment of hydraulic danger in mountain, this workshop will address the economic assessment of the vulnerability related to flooding, the relationship between hazard and vulnerability, and then the drawing of maps of flood risks. Will be also presented the experiences of both Italian and other States in the Alpine region. The workshop - whose participation is free -is an opportunity to bring together researchers, local authorities and experts of  the field of planning and arrangement of the mountain basins, in order to identify the weaknesses and innovative approaches in mapping of flood risks.

For registration, please notify your participation no later than 15.04.2012, by e-mail to:

Further information may be required to Martina Bussettini