Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Women and feeding

CNR - Round table

ImgRome, 3 July

Many aspects of food management are held by women. From their knowledge and choices depend largely  the population health and biodiversity protection.
Fortunately, many people are aware of the fact that biodiversity can be defended even in the kitchen because a "polite" palate requires variety and goodness that are strictly linked with human health and nature.

The idea of a meeting to talk about women and feeding aims to stimulate a positive interaction between the many components of this topic for overcome the possible obstacles that interpose themselves between eating science inputs and the use which it is given in the life of every day.

The women that will participate at the roundtable work in the following areas: protected areas, CNR, ENEA, INEA, INRAN, ISPRA, ISS, SLOWFOOD, University of Perugia, University of Rome Tor vergata.
Participation is free but registration is required  for organizational reasons