Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Day of Mobility Manager Network

  • When Sep 20, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Roma, Chiostro di S. Maria Sopra Minerva - Senate of Italian Republic
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Ispra in collaboration with Roma Tre University the Mobility Manager Networkd of Rome promotes, in the whole of the Mobility European Week, next the 20 september the day of Mobility Manager Network - Mix & Move: interventions and regulatory issues for conscious choices of mobility '.

A day opened to the mobility manager of the Rome Network, the representatives of the university, the local administration and urban mobility expertes, adressed  for he presentation of the new ISPRA 'Sharing Mobility Management' bookleet and innovative projects.


How to achieve the  conference place


Men are required to wear a jacket and tie.