Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA participates to the event of the European Parliament "Biodiversity's Ticking Time Bomb” - Brussels, 21 Febraury

ISPRA, with Mr. Piero Genovesi, President of the Specialist Group Invasive Species of the 'IUCN, participates in a high-level event about invasive species that will be held in the European Parliament and aims to raise awareness among parliamentarians on theme, taking into account that the European Commission is preparing a new law, which will be presented in March.

The event will be hosted by MEP Pavel Poc, and will be attended by representatives of the leading European in the field of nature conservation: Julia Marton-Lefevre (Director General IUCN), Janez Potocnik (Environment Commissioner CIs), Pia Bucella (Director of Nature, DG ENV), Ladislav Miko (Deputy Director General, DG Health & Consumers, EC)