Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Two ISPRA’s geological maps at the Vittoriano

"Towards 2015. Culture / food. An identity Italian" is the title of the exhibition that the “Complesso del Vittoriano” will host from February 6 to April 7, 2013 and that - through documents, ancient manuscripts, historical maps, archaeological, engravings, drawings , posters, books, cookbooks, newspapers, photographs, postcards and movies - will deepen the theme of food and its many aspects. The ISPRA library has loan for this prestigious exhibition, two antique maps:




Geological map of  di Savoja, Piemonte e Liguria / del Commendatore Angelo Sismonda,  published by the Government of St. M. Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Italy. - [Scale 1:500000], 45.09 miles from Piedmont to the level of 2466.08 meters (W 2 ° 30'-E 2 ° 30 '/ N 46 ° 30'-43 ° N 30'). - [Torino: s.n.], 1866. - 1 c. geol: color. watercolor, 71x81 cm, in the custody of 14x25 cm ((Based on topographic below: Capietti engraved Mountains 1857. - Longitude Reference: Meridian Turin. - Includes: legend of useful minerals





Geological Map of Italy, completed  on the work of various authors published and unpublished until 1881 with special verifications of the less known localities  / Published by the Geological Survey - Scale 1:1111111 (E 04 ° 00'-E 16 ° 30 '/ N 46 ° 00'-37 ° 30 N). - [Rome?]: Geological Survey, [1881?]. - 1 c. geol. : Color. , 97x80 cm (Reproduction edition 1881. - Meridian Reference: Paris Ferro.

 The exhibition carried out by Massimo Montanari, a professor at the University of Bologna in Medieval History and History of Food. The exhibition is sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, University and Research, under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and with the participation of Expo 2015. The exhibition and the organization is organized by  ‘Communicate Organizzando’ by  Alessandro Nicosia

 The presentation of the exhibition, Tuesday, February 5 at 17:00, will be introduced by Alessandro Nicosia, President of Communicating Organizing, and the following speakers : Paolo Peluffo, Undersecretary of State at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Giuseppe Sala, CEO of Expo 2015, and professor Massimo Montanari.