Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Wolf, lynx, bear, whales, what do we really do to protect them?


A project started by ISPRA, which involves many institutions in order to verify how we keep up with Europe.
How effective is the conservation of wildlife in Italy? ISPRA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, in collaboration with other institutions, undertakes a project to varity what is being done in our country to protect endangered species.
The European legislation obligates Italy to protect certain ecosystems and species. ISPRA, which will rely on the collaboration of the  Italian Teriological Association Onlus, the Societas Herpetologica Italica (for reptiles and amphibians), the Italian Freshwater Ichthyologists Association (AIIAD) for fish, the  Italian zoological Associationof Fauna of Italy Scientific Committee, will evaluate what has been done to protect wildlife in the last 6 years.