Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Conference INSPIRE. Florence, 27-30 June

The next conference INSPIRE will be held from  23 to 27 June at Florence, organized by Centre Research of  European Commission, Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, ISPRA, Florence Convention Bureau and Enic

Until March 15 would be possibile to present papers and posters of INSPIRE about the following themes:

Showcase on Environment

  • Air quality and emissions
  • Marine and coastal environment
  • Environment and health ( pesticides, noise, genetically modified organisms, air/water/soil pollution)Natural disasters
  • Environmental Protection and Historical Landscape
  • Land management and monitoring: Forestry, Protected sites, Green Belts,
  • Greening of the CAP - multi purpose use of farmer parcel information systems
  • Nature and Biodiversity
  • Waste management
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Integrated spatial assessments
  • Population and eco-systems
  • eGov/eEnvironment services, including apps built on environmental data Transport


  • Earth Observation (Copenicus [GMES], "GEOSS"..)
  • Lessons learnt and best practice
  • Costs and Benefits of implementing INSPIRE
  • Green economy
  • Public and Private Sector partnerships
  • Technologies required to deliver INSPIRE
  • Multi-disciplinary e-infrastructures
  • Cloud computing
  • Sensors and Sensor web
  • Citizen science/crowd sourcing
  • Linked data and semantic web
  • Capacity Building


  • EU Enlargement and Integration
  • EU Location Framework
  • EU Committee of the Regions
  • United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM)
  • National and regional initiatives
  • Cross thematic networking
  • eGovernment
  • Open data
  • Greening the information society

To send abstracts and others details :