Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Federal Council: the Minister of the Environment, Mr. Andrea Orlando participates to the debate

Environmental controls, waste classification, environmental crimes, national system for the protection of the environment: these are the key points of the speech of the Minister of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, Mr. Andrea Orlando, present for the first time at the meeting of Council Federal Environmental Agency.

The Minister, who underlined  the role of ISPRA and agencies as part of the National System for Environmental Protection,  highlighted the importance of homogenization of the monitoring and control at the national level.
The General Managers of ARPA and APPA, together with the Director General of ISPRA, Dr. Stefano Laporta and the President of the Institute, Prof. Bernardo De Bernardinis, shared the speech of the Minister, in the hope of increasing collaboration between the state administration and regional organizations,.
The Federal Council has also continued its work addressing the issues on the agenda, such as guidelines for the 2013-2015 three-year plan, the organization of the National Conference of Environmental Agencies and the planning of the work of the Federal Council