Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Announcement of the launch of the first call about the Water JPI which ISPRA participates

An announcement of the launch of the first call coordinated among public Institutions involved in joint programming initiative on water "Water challenges for a changing world" was published  the 20 September, 2013 in the official website of the Water JPI.
The call will be launched November 4 and will end on December 19.
Italy participates in the financing of this Pilot Call with the amount of € 300,000 as a subsidy to public Institutions, 400.000 € as subsidized credit to enterprises, sums made available by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)

Call topic: Emerging freshwater contaminants including pollutants and pathogens

Web site Water JPI