Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


35th General Assembly Eurogeosurveys - St. Petersburg 1-2 October 2013

It ended the thirty-fifth general assembly of Eurogeosurveys hosted this year in St Petersburg, where the General Directors of the Geological Surveys of Europe, together with those Africans, Chinese, Japanese and Canadians have debated about topic of great relevance: the mineral resources.
The debate on the agenda regarded the inclusion of an ERA-NET (European Research Network) on geosciences within the Horizon 2020 program.
Italy, represented by the General Director of ISPRA, Mr. Stefano Laporta, has expressed his full support for the activities necessary for the implementation of the ERA-NET.
During a bilateral meeting at the end the event between the vertices of Eurogeosurveys and the Russian Federation has been confirmed the collaboration on the issues of geology signed between the two parties in March 2013 in Brussels.
In particular, Russia and Europe in the coming months will cooperate on a joint classification of minerals critical for the industry and the develop of a European network for intelligence on raw material not energitc  . During the meeting it was also presented the new book Eurogeosurveys "minerals in your life" which will be released in December.