Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation Plans at Local level (PAL)


Based on the experience gained within the European project ACT -Adapting to Climate change in Time - funded by the European Commission under the LIFE Programme Environmental Policy and Governance, ISPRA, in collaboration with the municipalities of Ancona ( Italy ), Bullas (Spain ) and Patras (Greece), has prepared the Guidelines in English entitled "Planning for adaptation to climate change. Guidelines for Municipalities."
The aim of the Guidelines is not only to provide the basic theoretical concepts on the key issues of adaptation to climate change but also to propose a practical and operational support to local governments that are interested in starting a process of adaptation and to develop Climate Change Adaptation Plans at Local level (PAL).
Nine chapters illustrate respectively the nine stages of a methodological path defined on the basis of a careful review of the existing international literature and the operational experience in the provision of climate scenarios and the analysis of the impacts of climate change on natural areas and social and economic systems. Practical examples and case studies, questions and checklists  will support the reader in the implementation process of the suggested actions.

Based on the experience gained within the European project ACT - Adapting to Climate Change in Time - funded by the European Commission under the LIFE Programme Environmental Policy and Governance, ISPRA, in collaboration with the municipalities of Ancona ( Italy ), Bullas (Spain ) and Patras (Greece), has prepared the Guidelines in English entitled "Planning for adaptation to climate change. Guidelines for Municipalities."The aim of the Guidelines is not only to provide the basic theoretical concepts on the key issues of adaptation to climate change but also to propose a practical and operational support to local governments that are interested in starting a process of adaptation and to develop Climate Change Adaptation Plans at Local level (PAL).Nine chapters illustrate respectively the nine stages of a methodological path defined on the basis of a careful review of the existing international literature and the operational experience in the provision of climate scenarios and the analysis of the impacts of climate change on natural areas and social and economic systems. Practical examples and case studies, questions and checklists  will support the reader in the implementation process of the suggested actions.