Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Italy , headquarter of a series of scientific meetings focused on the conservation of migratory species

Formia , Italy, Oct. 7, 2013

A week of international meetings will be held in Formia to promote the conservation of biodiversity and in particular migratory species . The presidents of the scientific advisory bodies of the six multilateral environmental agreements ( MEA) relating to the conservation of biodiversity , together with representatives of the secretariats and selected observers have focused on promoting the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Targets and IPBES process .

The different sessions will be dedicated to the identification of a single reference to the taxonomy of species of birds and a final meeting dedicated to  study and promote the economic benefits of tourism activities associated with migratory species . The event is aimed at local government officials , managers of protected areas, representatives of environmental associations and hunting , representatives of tourist agencies .

All meetings are organized by the Secretariat of the Bonn Convention  and the ISPRA,  together with and Regional Park Riviera of Ulisse, with the support of Regional Centre for Environmental Education and Information ( CREIA ) ; Municipalities of Gaeta , Formia , Minto and Sperlonga .

For more information and details you can contact the Riviera di Ulisse Regional Park at the following address : e-mail and look at the site