Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA surveillance on the operation for demolition of the chimney in Garigliano Nuclear pover plant

In the Garigliano Nuclear power plant , managed by SO.GI.N is taking place the activities for the demolition of the chimney, under the control of ISPRA. The Institute has verified that SO.G.I.N. performs specific radiometric controls in site areas subject to scarify; the results of this monitoring, carried out by inspectors of the Institute, did not show values above the minimum detectable activities.

These figures were confirmed by the air  contamination measurements with the environmental monitoring stations located outside the plant. As part of its supervisory functions, ISPRA has also installed stations for air radiological monitoring. The results of these independent measurements confirm the absence of radioactive contamination in air.