Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Hydrocarbons spill in Genova: the Minister Galletti appreciates ISPRA and Agency system for their technical and scientific support

During the visit of the Minister Gian Luca Galletti at the places affected by hydracarobon spill, the Minister stressed the role of ISPRA in the emergency and announced the approval of a specific normative that will allow ISPRA to "dictate the rules about controls”

The emergency actions necessary after the breakup of the pipeline that was transporting raw oil from tanker "SEA DANCE" to the tank "IPLOM" S.p.A., company, were complex and involved several Institutions.

The ISPRA technicians, in cooperation with ARPA Liguria, supported above all the  aspects concerning environmental pollution in terms of coasts and marine water protection, and thanks to the colleagues of ISPRA- Ozzano, the protection of wildlife.

Declared ceased the local emergency at sea in Savona and Genova, in the last recent visits undertaken along the Torrente Polcevera and the rivers Fegino and Pianego, it was noted a clear improvement of the state of the water surface in Polcevera, while in the other two, where the smell of hidrocarbosn was still clearly perceptible, it is continuing the remediation.

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