Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Hydrocarbons spill: ISPRA and Agency system for technical and scientific support in Genova

The ISPRA experts of environmental emergencies at sea Service are engaged in activities related to the hydrocarbons spill in the sea occurred near Genova, determined by the breaking of the "SEA DANCE" conduct of the oil tanker anchored in port, linked to the refinery tanks "IPLOM" SpA

The General Directorate for the Protection of Nature and Sea of the Ministry of Environment has immediately requested the ISPRA support to local authorities, to contrast pollution and minimize environmental damage.

In agreement  with officers of the Marine Environmental Department of the Ministry of Environment and with colleagues of the Agency for Environmental Protection of Liguria,  ISPRA technicians have carried out inspections activities in the morning in the area where there has been the  rupture of the pipeline company "IPLOM" SpA.

The rupture of the underground pipeline produced the hydrocarbons spill, pouring into the Rio Pianego and later in Rio Fegino and Polcevera, whose mouth is in the port of Genova

About the action taken to protect the marine waters, the ISPRA experts reported the strategies in place and the improvements proposed, however, it seems necessary to speed up the remediation and securing of stream bed, because the hydrocarbons could constitute an additional source of pollution, especially in case of rain, which can favor the transfer of spilled rough at sea.
