Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


SEVESO online notification. New online service available by April 15

The new online service "Seveso III.0 - Notifications Communication System", will be available on ISPRA website to improve the management of information on Seveso sites. The service allows managers of authenticated establishments subject to D.lgs.105 / 2015 the online compilation and submission of all sections of the notification form set out in Annex 5 of the decree, including the attachments required. It also allows to check at any time the eligibility of the factory at Seveso, through the updating of the quantities of dangerous substances present through the automatic fill of the summary tables included in the electronic format of the form.
The application SEVESO III.0, entirely made in-house by the Institute, will feed automatically the National Inventory of industries likely to cause accidents, which will therefore play a central role for monitoring and verifying the implementation of the rules on controls on major accident hazards.

Further information