Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Italy is thirsty, decrease the precipitations in North and Center of Italy. In 2015 new record in the average temperature

In Italy, in 2015, it is confirmed  the trend of increasing  temperature accompanied by a number of extreme events of  precipitations . From the termic point of view, the 2015 marked a new record of annual average temperature, just above the previous recorded in 2014. This data were particularly strong in July and in the last two months of the year, when the mild weather has accompanied a long period of stable weather on almost all the Italian territory. New temperature records were registered above all in the Northern regions and in the Alps areas.

These and other information are contained in the eleventh ISPRA report "The climate indicators in Italy": the report illustrates the climate trend during 2015 and updates of climate changes in last decades in Italy.


Climate indicatore in Italy in 2015

Press communication