Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


War in the mountains: men, science, nature on the Dolomitic front 1915-1918

Geological Museum of the Dolomites in Predazzo (TN), June 24, 2016 - January 14, 2017

There is a paradox in the environment in times of war: the nature is as ubiquitous as invisible.
In every paper, in every photo, drawing, sketch it is the silent scene that houses human happenings.
The main characters seem to be others: men, machines and animals that for four long years lived in the mountains of the Alpine front transforming them inadvertently into what we know today.
This is the meaning of the exhibition to be held in the Geological Museum of the Dolomites in Predazzo, territorial headquarters of the MUSE - Science Museum - from 24 June 2016 to 14 January 2017.
ISPRA (Library and Geological Service of Italy) collaborated with the MUSE together with the Italian Historical Museum of War in Rovereto, the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage, the State Archives of Trento, the University of Trento, the Italian Geological Society and the Geologische Bundesanstalt of Vienna for the drafting of texts and the map and graphic contents of the show.


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