Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


World Conference on climate (COP22)

Marrakech ( Morocco), 7-18 November

The Conference of Parties of UNFCC will be held for the first fime after Paris Convention agreement since last December 2015. The meeting will face all the issues such as the modifications about National Emissions targets, the passage to fossil fuels and renewable energy sources,

At the Italian pavillon, there will be different seminars and conferences, and ISPRA will particpate to the following events :

14 November
Monitoring soil degradation, mitigation and climate change. Italian experiences for the Agenza 2030.

15 November

AirPack: tools kit for environmental education

17 November

The new challenge of climate and energetic strategy : the Italian prospective

Calendar italian events

Web site COP22