Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The innovation speaks Italian

Roma, MAECI, Palazzo della Farnesina, 9-10 January 2017

It was opened yesterday the 2 days meeting to promote Italian innovation production in the World organized by Foreign Office (MAECI) and attended by the Minister Angelino Alfano and the Minister of University and Research, Valeria Fedeli.

ISPRA participates to the technical session, at the table of Societal Challenges , presenting in cooperation with Padova University, stories of innovation, product and process innovation in the management of protected areas of agriculture and sustainable forestry and international cooperation.

Italy is the second largest manufacturing country in the EU, and has the elements to implement an integrated promotion of the Italian system in the world with scientific initiatives such as the SESAME research laboratory, inaugurated in Jordan by  Italians together with Palestinians and Israelis, a large project of science and peace.