Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Sustainability in the clothing craftsmanship

A survey conducted by ISPRA, University of Córdoba and the association “Donne in Campo” of Italian Agriculture Confederation

Ispra with the Department monitoring and protection of the environment and conservation of biodiversity has signed an agreement recently with the Argentine University of Córdoba, has started a survey on sustainability in the production of plant and animal fibers, in weaving crafts, in dyeing with natural principles, in the manufacture of garments with materials and methods environmentally-friendly.

The study will have the support of Donne in Campo, which counts among its members many practical knowledge, than can allow to take a “ picture”  that describes today's materials and methodologies used in the packaging and natural color of the fabrics in various Italian regions. Through the University of Córdoba the survey aims to draw a parallel with Argentina, where sometimes different materials are used, in order to facilitate the exchange and complementation of knowledge and experience.


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