Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Inspections of Arpa Basilicata and ISPRA at the Center Oil Val d'Agri

The Ministry of Environment has announced, with a press note, a special inspection by Environmental Protection Agencies of Basilicata (ARPAB) and ISPRA at Center after the following spill of the hydrocarbons.

The intervention, fixed for 18 May, was decided after a first meeting, held at the Ministry headquarter, which was attended, among others, by the ISPRA General Director Stefano Laporta and the ARPAB technical experts, the Basilicata Region and ENI company. The Minister has announced by the end of May a second meeting, in which the results of the checks carried out will be presented.


Press Note of the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea

Press review