Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


On-line exhibition : “ Historical models of Geology Survey of Italy”

It was published online on the website MOVIO-Virtual Exhibition online the exhibition “ Historical models of Geology Survey of Italy”.

The exhibition was made on the basis of the technical specifications of MOVIO (Online Virtual Exhibitions) software, designed and managed by the ICCU (Central Institute for the Single Catalog) and OTEBAC (Technological Observatory for Cultural Heritage and Activities) of MiBACT, developed  to allow the spread of the Italian cultural heritage through a new multimedia tool.

The exhibition, carried out  by the ISPRA Museum Activities Area, exhibits  17 storeys-reliefs stored in the ISPRA's Historical and Geological Collections. The ISPRA's geological models are not only beautiful art objects, but rather a product of a representative technique of the territory, dating back to the 19th and 20th centuries, an example of three-dimensional geological mapping of areas of particular geological and mining interest.

Link MOVIO - Mostre virtuali online