Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Lampedusa : climate change effects on the marine areas main topic of the AMP agenda

From 17 to 21 july in Lampedusa, thre is a traning course organized by Marine Protected Area Isole Pelagie, ISPRA, Spanish National Council Research (CSIC) addressed to AMP staff and local administrations with the aim to enforce new shared actions to face the climate change effetcs. The training program is part of the Interreg Med project financied by European fund for regional development and involve 8 parterns : CSIC, ISPRA, IUCN Centro per la Cooperazione Mediterranea, National Park of Brijuni (Croatia), Marine Protected Area Isole Pelagie, Marine Protected Area of  Portofino, National Park of Port-Cros (France) and Office Environment Corsica (France).


Further information