Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


"I don't take risks" 2017 : the national campaign for the good practices of civil protection

Next 14 october 2017, in 107 Italian cities there will be held the seven edition “ I don’t take risks”, the national communication campaign on good practices for civil protection. Io non rischio – I don’t take risks is a national communication campaign on best practices of civil protection. But before that, Io non rischio – I don’t take risks is an intention, an exhortation that must be taken literally. Italy is a country exposed to many natural risks, and this is a fact. But it is also true that the individual exposition to such risks can be considerably reduced through the knowledge of the proble, the awareness of the possible consequences and the adoption of a few simple expedients. Next 13 october Ispra President will partecipate to the press conference.